Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

The Recession Ended Last Year?

Well, the recession that began in December 2007 was technically over in June 2009, officials at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) said this past week. The experts use all kinds of macroeconomic data to determine that a “trough” occurred in business activity in the summer of 2009, such as real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.But the Great Recession that ended over a year ago has smacked us so hard that...
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  2881 Hits
2881 Hits

Existing Home Sales Jump 7.6% for August 2010

Existing home sales in August rose 7.6% after a big correction in July, but are still 19% lower than the sales pace from a year ago, the National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported on Thursday. Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said existing home sales still remain subpar. “The housing market is trying to recover on its own power without the home buyer tax credit. Despite very attractive affordability conditions, a housing market recovery will likely be...
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  2355 Hits
2355 Hits

New Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Rise

New jobless claims rose unexpectedly last week to 465,000, up 12,000 from the previous week’s revised figure of 453,000, the Labor Department reported on Thursday. The four week moving average, which smooths out weekly volatility, was 463,250 - a decrease of 3,250 from the previous week’s revised average of 466,500. The national insured unemployment rate was little changed for the week ending September 11 at 3.5%, down slightly from the prior week’s revised rate of 3.6%....
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  2718 Hits
2718 Hits

2009 Poverty Rate Highest in 15 Years

The poverty rate in the U.S. rose to 14.3% in 2009 - its highest level in fifteen years, the Census Bureau reported on Thursday. Up from 13.2% in 2008, this was the second statistically significant increase in the country’s poverty rate since 2004.Defined as an income level of $21,954 or less for a family of four, poverty struck 43.6 million people in 2009, up from 39.8 million in 2008. This makes the third year in a...
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  2600 Hits
2600 Hits

August Sales Slightly Higher Than Expected

American consumers are keeping big spending in check by putting off buying cars, furniture, electronics, and appliances, but the back-to-school season fueled the second monthly retail sales increase in a row and slightly beat analysts’ expectations.Following a revised .3% increase in July, retail sales in August rose .4% to $363.7 billion, the Commerce Department reported on Tuesday. Excluding the data for automobile sales, parts dealers, and gasoline stores, sales rose .5%.Retail trade sales are 3.7% above...
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  2622 Hits
2622 Hits

Most Consumers Paid No Overdraft Fees in Past Year

American consumers have been responsibly managing their checking accounts and keeping the costs of banking to a minimum.Most bank customers paid no overdraft fees over the past year, according to a report released on Wednesday by the American Bankers Association (ABA).A survey of 1,000 bank customers found that 77% paid no overdraft fees in the previous twelve months, and 21% paid for one or more overdrafts. 2% of consumers said they weren’t sure.Of those who had...
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  2877 Hits
2877 Hits

Smartphones to

AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile are working on a program that could make smartphones a source of payment - taking the place of credit and debit cards, according to a report released last week by Bloomberg.It’s reported that a pilot project is planned for stores in Atlanta and three other U.S. cities, where consumers can pay by simply waving their smartphone in front of a reader. No date has been set for when the project will commence,...
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  3166 Hits
3166 Hits

IRS Announces the End of Debt Indicator for RALs

Refund anticipation loans (RALs) have always been a bad idea for taxpayers due to the high cost of getting a tax refund only a few days sooner than if the taxpayer had efiled and opted for direct deposit.But that cost can become even higher for the 2011 tax year - the Internal Revenue Service announced last week that starting next tax season it will no longer provide taxpayer information known as the “debt indicator” to tax...
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  2811 Hits
2811 Hits

Will a Balance Transfer Work for You?

Are you juggling payments on high-interest credit cards and wondering how to finally get ahead of your debts? A popular offer with both card holders and card issuers is a balance transfer to a 0% introductory rate credit card. These offers are typically for new applicants with excellent credit history and usually last anywhere from six to 18 months. When the introductory period is up, the remaining balance will begin to accrue the normal purchase interest...
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  3222 Hits
3222 Hits

Advance-Fees Banned for Debt-Relief Agencies

Consumers will soon be protected from paying advance fees to telemarketing companies who promise to help alleviate debt problems, the Federal Trade Commission reported on Thursday.The FTC’s new rules apply to for-profit companies that sell their services over the phone, and also extends the Telemarketing Sales Rule to apply to inbound calls from consumers when consumers respond to advertising by the debt-relief companies. Credit counseling, debt settlement, and debt negotiation companies that aim to reduce consumers’...
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  2818 Hits
2818 Hits

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