Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Home Sales in December Jump 12.3%

Sales of existing homes jumped in December for the fifth month of sales increases within the past six months, a positive sign that the housing market continues to improve. Sales of existing homes, including single-family, townhomes, condos, and co-ops, increased by a healthy 12.3% in December according to a report released today by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). At December’s seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.28 million home sales, it was 2.9% lower than the...
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  2364 Hits
2364 Hits

Choosing Your Next Vehicle

Buying your next vehicle can be an exciting thing, but it can also be confusing thing if you don’t go in with at least some idea of what you’re looking for. A realistic attitude will help make car shopping go more smoothly. It can be frustrating to start with your heart set on a certain make and model if it isn’t what you really need. Ask yourself these questions to help narrow down your choices: What...
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  3561 Hits
3561 Hits

Auto Shopping - Browsing the Dealership

Auto Shopping - Browsing the Dealership
Shopping for a vehicle can be an exciting time, but it is also a daunting task that can leave the consumer confused, exhausted, and afraid to make a move on going through with the purchase. The first instinct for many auto shoppers is to head to the local auto dealership. This can be an easy one-stop shop to check out what’s available, even before you’re ready to buy. But beware that by merely setting foot in...
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  3400 Hits
3400 Hits

Medical Discount Plan or Health Insurance?

The truth about Medical Discount PlansThe Federal Trade Commission announced today that they’ve charged another defendant in an alleged health care scam. The FTC claims that the organization misled consumers into believing they were buying low-cost health insurance, when in fact, all the organization was offering was a medical discount plan.While a medical discount plan can benefit certain consumers, it is vastly different from a health insurance plan. Consumers should be aware of what type of...
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  3714 Hits
3714 Hits

Unemployment in December 2010 Falls to 9.4%

The job market began to show signs of recovery in December 2010 as the unemployment rate fell to its lowest point in nineteen months. The national unemployment rate fell significantly in December to 9.4%, down from 9.8% in November, the Labor Department’s Bureau of of Labor Statistics (BLS) stated in its latest employment report. Last month’s unemployment rate was a half percent below its reported level in December 2009 when it was 9.9% - just two...
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  1971 Hits
1971 Hits

The Student's Guide to Job Hunting - Your Resume

Getting your first job is a big step. Before you even begin to submit job applications, you may be daydreaming about a fun, exciting job where you are appreciated by everyone, and all the money you make to buy the things you need and want.But landing your first job can be very frustrating, and even more so if you aren't prepared when you begin your search. Let's go over a few things to help you increase...
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  2981 Hits
2981 Hits

The Student's Guide to Job Hunting - Your Appearance

When looking for your first job, it’s important to project an image that shows you are responsible, mature, and hard-working. Appearance does matter. It's just a fact that people do judge you by how you take care of yourself.Look at it from the prospective employer's view: A person who goes job hunting while looking like they just crawled out of bed isn't likely to put in much more effort once they've been hired. Your family and...
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  3899 Hits
3899 Hits

Tax Law Change Delays Filing for Some Taxpayers

It’s the new year, and for many, it’s the time to start thinking about preparing our income tax returns.And while it’s business as usual for the majority of taxpayers, the Internal Revenue Service announced that certain taxpayers will need to delay filing their returns until mid to late-February if they are affected by any of the three recent changes in the tax law.The changes are deductions that were reinstated by Congress in the Tax Relief, Unemployment...
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  2773 Hits
2773 Hits

New Year's 2011 and Debt

The new year is a time to start fresh for many, with resolutions to do things better than they were done in the past. But what if you start the new year with a constant reminder of yesteryear’s indulgences, such as a credit card balance that will take months or even years to knock down to zero? It can be a little frustrating when you’re dedicated to reducing your debts but it’s happening at a paltry...
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  3264 Hits
3264 Hits

Rights and Responsibilities After Auto Repossession

So, you have come upon unfortunate circumstances and can no longer afford to pay your auto loan payments.As you already know, the lender has the right to repossess the car once you begin to miss payments. And they are likely to act upon that right within a couple of months of non-payment, or possibly even within a matter of days if the lender specializes in loans for people with poor credit - such as a buy...
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  4886 Hits
4886 Hits

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