Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Obama Deficit Reduction Plan

Obama Deficit Reduction Plan
In his budget speech today at George Washington University, President Obama said that his goal was to cut the federal debt by $4 trillion over the next twelve years, phased in over time to avoid hampering the economic recovery. To deal with the nation’s $14 trillion deficit, Obama said he would not extend Bush-era tax cuts for high earners - set to expire at the end of 2012. “In the last decade, the average income of...
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  4483 Hits
4483 Hits

Renters Insurance

Do you need renters insurance?If you’re renting a place to live - whether a house, townhome, or apartment - you may have wondered if you need to have renters insurance. Or you may be just starting out or otherwise feel that you own very little worth insuring. But you probably have much more than you realize. It’s unlikely that you went out in one day and purchased every single thing you need to make your place...
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  4102 Hits
4102 Hits

New Claims for Unemployment Benefits Dip

The number people who filed for first-time unemployment benefits fell by 10,000 last week, according to a government report released on Thursday.The advance number for new claims was 382,000 for the week ending April 2, and the insured unemployment rate was unchanged from the previous week’s rate at 3%, the Labor Department reported.States reported that just over 3.5 million Americans were claiming Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) in mid-March, down from nearly 5.6 million at the same...
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  3455 Hits
3455 Hits

Capital One Taking Over Kohl's Charge Accounts

Kohl’s announced on Tuesday that the transfer of its private-label credit card portfolio to Capital One has been completed as of April 1, 2011. Capital One will service new and existing Kohl’s charge accounts for a seven year contract. Through the partnership, Capital One acquired more than 20 million existing Kohl’s charge accounts - which accounted for 50% of the department store’s sales last year."Kohl's has an exceptional brand and offers a great experience to their...
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  4866 Hits
4866 Hits

Tax Freedom Day is April 12th for 2011

Have you ever though about exactly how many days out of the year you have to work in order to pay your tax bill? Well, the Tax Foundation in Washington figures that for this tax year, you’ll work over a hundred days to pay your taxes - about 28% of your income. Using government figures on income and taxes, the organization calculated that if the average taxpayer were to begin the year working and all income...
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  3106 Hits
3106 Hits

Using Credit Cards Safely

Credit cards are wonderfully convenient and safer than carrying around a wallet-full of cash. Keep these points in mind to make your credit card use as safe as possible: Manage the risk of lossTo reduce the hassle involved in reporting missing credit cards in case of loss or theft, keep a list of all your credit card accounts and card issuer’s phone numbers issuers in a safe place at home. Consider leaving most of your credit...
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  3129 Hits
3129 Hits

New Jobless Claims Dip

New claims for uninsured benefits fell slightly last week, down by 6,000 to 388,000, the Labor Department reported today.But the (seasonally-adjusted) four week moving average, which smooths out weekly volatility and gives a better idea of the overall trend, actually moved upwards 394,250 - an increase of 3,250 from the previous week’s revised average of 391,000.The insured unemployment rate for the second week of March was 3%, and the official national unemployment rate was 8.9% in...
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  2702 Hits
2702 Hits

Frugal Fitness

Getting fit can cost a fortune, at least if you attempt to follow in the steps of the rich and famous.You may not be able to afford a personal trainer and diet counselor, and even the cost of a gym membership may be pushing it. Home gym equipment can also be expensive - and may become another piece of clutter to collect dust if you get bored with it.But it isn’t hard to get fit without...
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  3161 Hits
3161 Hits

2008 First Time Home Buyer Credit Causing Delays for Some Taxpayers' Refunds

The Internal revenue Service made an announcement today that there are processing issues that may cause a delay in some taxpayers receiving their refunds. The delay is primarily affecting a small percentage of taxpayers who bought a home in 2008 and qualified for the First Time Homebuyer Credit, the IRS said.The credit was actually an interest-free loan for 10% of the home’s purchase price, up to a maximum of $8000. The credit is to be repaid,...
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  2938 Hits
2938 Hits

February Existing Home Sales Drop for 1st Time in 3 Months

The pace of existing home sales fell last month after increasing for three months in a row, the National Association of Realtors reported today.February’s sales of single-family, townhomes, condominiums and co-ops dropped to a seasonally-adjusted rate of 4.88 million home sales per year - a decrease of 9.6% from the previous month, and a decrease of 2.8% from the same month a year ago.Lawrence Yun, NAR’s chief economist, continues to express that the housing recovery will...
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  2365 Hits
2365 Hits

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