Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Weatherization Assistance for Low-Income Households

Cold winter weather brings up every one's energy bill, and effective weatherization can ensure efficient heating and lower energy bills. But those who are on a tight budget and hit the hardest by winter's higher energy costs often can't afford to put the extra money into making their home more energy-efficient. If you or a loved one survives on limited income and lives in a home with poor insulation, leaky windows, or outdated heating, you should...
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  2716 Hits
2716 Hits

Federally Insured Deposits Increased to $250,000

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) of 2008 temporarily increases the federal insurance of savings deposits from $100,000 to $250,000. The increased insurance limits apply to banks insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and to credit unions insured by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) until December 31, 2009. The increased insurance limits can be an important consideration for older citizens who have amassed a small fortune over their lifetime and are looking for...
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  2777 Hits
2777 Hits

The FTC Warns of Phishing Scams Related to Bank Failures

The Federal Trade Commission has recently put out a warning that scammers have been using the wave of recent bank failures as an opportunity to con unsuspecting people out of their private information. Financial institutions are falling in these difficult economic times, and the bank you've done business with all your life may have a new name by Wednesday. Consumers may be confused about who they'll be doing business with next, and these ruthless scammers have...
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  3383 Hits
3383 Hits

Get Your House Ready for Winter

Taking a few simple steps in getting your home ready for winter can amount to saving big bucks on your heating bill. And this is the perfect time of year to do it, before the weather gets really cold and catches you off guard. Save on heating your home.Adjust your thermostat to no more than 68 degrees Fahrenheit for maximum energy-efficiency. If you've been keeping it set much higher and feel uncomfortable with such a big...
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  3163 Hits
3163 Hits

Claim of Lien

LiensA lien is basically a claim, or a debt, against a piece of property, also sometimes called a "security interest." The claim typically belongs to a business or individual who is owed money related to that property. The lien may be consensual, as in the case of financing a car through a lender. Or, a lien may be involuntary, meaning that the lien was either created by a government entity - think tax lien, or by...
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  3481 Hits
3481 Hits

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008

The revised Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) of 2008 was approved by both houses of Congress and President Bush signed the bill into law on October 3, 2008.A summary of the original version of EESA 2008:Provides the Treasury with $700 billion to buy bad mortgage-related investments from banks. This move will gradually make credit more available for businesses and working families, and help unfreeze the economy. Also, it is hoped to stabilize the markets and help...
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  2772 Hits
2772 Hits

President Bush Hopes for a Solution to the Economic Crisis

President Bush Hopes for a Solution to the Economic Crisis
Stock markets around the world plunged in response to the U.S. House of Representatives' rejection of the $700 billion rescue plan. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 777 points on Monday after it was apparent that the bill would not be passed, for the largest single-day drop in history. The markets have since recovered slightly. Though most Americans don't like the way it happened, many realize that there must be some government intervention to prevent further...
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  2492 Hits
2492 Hits

House of Representatives Approves Bill to Protect Credit Card Users

The U.S. House of Representatives approved legislation last week that is meant to protect consumers from many of the tricky practices commonly used by credit card issuers. The Credit Card Holder's Bill of Rights, HR 5244, was approved by a vote of 312-112.“This legislation will level the playing field by putting an end to unfair and abusive credit card practices that outrage so many American families,” said Michigan Rep. Sandy Levin. “Americans are struggling to make...
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  3313 Hits
3313 Hits

House of Representatives Reject Bailout Plan

The latest version of the $700 billion bailout plan has been rejected by the U.S. House of Representatives, voting against the package 228-205. Earlier this morning before the vote, President Bush expressed confidence that the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 would be passed by both houses. Stock markets around the world took a dive in response to the news. The rejected legislation addressed the following:Giving the Treasury $250 billion, initially, to buy bad mortgages from...
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  2921 Hits
2921 Hits

Getting the Most From Your Rewards Card

Getting the Most From Your Rewards Card
Using a rewards card can be a smart way to cover your normal expenses. And if you're going to spend the money anyway, you might as well get something back from it. Depending on the card issuer's rewards program, rewards may be used for anything from cash-back, gift cards, merchandise, travel, or donations to your favorite charity. Rewards cards typically give you one point for every dollar spent, and some cards give you bonus points if...
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  3125 Hits
3125 Hits

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