Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Federal Reserve Slashes Federal Funds Rate to Nearly Zero

The Federal Reserve announced today that they cut the federal funds rate to a range of 0 to .25%, down from the previous interest rate of 1%. The rate cut brings the key interest rate down to a historic low. Citing their concern over the worsening job market, and the decrease in consumer spending, business investment, and industrial production, this is the Fed's latest attempt at stimulating the economy with a rate cut.The Fed stated that...
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2742 Hits

Unemployment Rises for November 2008

Unemployment rates in the U.S. continue to creep upward as the economy lost over a half a million jobs last month. The Department of Labor reported on Friday that the jobless rate for November is 6.7%, up from 6.5% in October.We haven't experienced this level of joblessness for over fifteen years, since September of 1993 according to statistics from the Department of Labor.The U.S. economy has lost 2.7 million jobs and the unemployment rate has risen...
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3252 Hits

President-Elect Barack Obama Outlines Details of Economic Recovery Plan

This morning President-elect Barack Obama outlined details of the economic recovery plan that will create or save 2.5 million American jobs and help both Main Street and Wall Street.Obama plans to strengthen the economy by improving the nation's infrastructure, reducing the nation's dependency on foreign oil through energy-efficiency programs, and by fixing schools as an investment in our children. He has spoken of this plan a number of times, but without giving many details; the Obama...
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3860 Hits

Materialistic Parents Raise Materialistic Kids

It can be difficult to raise kids that aren't influenced by the ads, the commercials, and what their friends have. Hey, it's even hard for adults to resist becoming at least a little materialistic. While there's nothing wrong with enjoying some of the creature comforts that make life a little more enjoyable, overdoing it can leave a person with a pile of debt and a pile of clutter.Those who let it go too far as adults...
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2847 Hits

President-Elect Obama Plans to Create 2.5 Million Jobs Over Next Two Years

President-elect Barack Obama said in his address on Friday that this week's news points to the severity of the nation's economic crisis, citing that new home purchases for October were at the lowest level in fifty years, while 540,000 claims for unemployment were filed last week - the highest in eighteen years. He also said that "we now risk falling into a deflationary spiral that could increase our massive debt even further." He said he was...
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President Bush Extends Benefits for Unemployed

On Friday, President Bush signed into law H.R. 6867, the "Unemployment Compensation Extention Act of 2008", to help individuals who have not been able to find work in this difficult economy.The new law extends Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) an additional 7 weeks for a total of 20 weeks. It also provides for an additional 13 weeks of EUC for those who live in states with a particularly high unemployment rate of over 6%, such as Rhode...
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Fannie and Freddie Suspend Foreclosures for the Holidays

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced yesterday that they have suspended foreclosure and eviction proceedings through the holiday season for owner-occupied single family homes, in an effort to help more troubled homeowners work out a solution with their lenders to keep their homes. Freddie Mac announced they would also delay foreclosure and eviction proceedings on owner-occupied 2-4 unit residences.The two government-sponsored enterprises (GSEs) have instructed their foreclosure attorneys to contact troubled homeowners as soon as possible...
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2649 Hits

World Leaders Discuss Global Financial Crisis

Last night President Bush welcomed almost two dozen leaders from around the world, of both developed economies and emerging markets, to the White House State Dining Room for a working dinner to discuss the global financial crisis. For most of today, they will continue to meet at the first Summit on Financial Markets and the World Economy. Leaders of the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, and the Financial Stability Forum are also...
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2455 Hits

Obama Urges Congress to Pass Plan to Help Economy

In the Democratic weekly address to the nation today, President-elect Barack Obama expressed that he was glad that President Bush is meeting with world leaders this weekend to coordinate a quick response to the global financial crisis.He also said that while it was important to address the global crisis, that it was important to immediately address the economic problems here at home. Among his concerns are the nearly 1.2 million jobs lost over the past ten...
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FTC Charges Internet Payday Lender

The Federal Trade Commission, the nation's consumer fraud protection agency, reported on Thursday that they and the State of Nevada are charging an internet payday loan company and its principals with violating federal and state laws by failing to disclose loan terms and by using abusive and deceptive loan collection tactics.The payday loans didn't comply with payday lending laws in most states and the "lending company" wasn't licensed to make payday loans in those states.The corporate...
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