Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Report The $9.84 Credit Card Charge or Any Unauthorized Charge

In the past few weeks, hundreds of consumers have complained online about a mysterious $9.84 charge on their credit cards. The complaints have become serious enough for the Better Business Bureau to issue a fraud alert warning others to look out for a similar charge on their credit card statements. Consumers may be reluctant to report an unauthorized charge of such a small amount, brushing it off because $9.84 seems insignificant. However, there have been past...
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  2981 Hits
2981 Hits

Recovering From a Major Financial Setback

At some point in your life, you’re sure to suffer some kind of major unexpected disaster that can disrupt your financial life. It may be a job loss, divorce, natural disaster, or unexpected pregnancy. How you handle the situation, as dire as it may seem, will make the difference between getting out of it successfully or making the situation worse. Don’t panic. Money problems, big or small, can be pretty scary. The uncertainty that comes along...
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  2966 Hits
2966 Hits

8 Tips for Working From home

Being able to make a living without ever having to leave your home sounds like a dream come true. But, working from home isn’t without its challenges. Not everyone do it successfully and those who can have to adjust to working in such a flexible environment. Do something you like. Even at home, work is still work. With no one looking over your shoulder or forcing you to do your job, the excitement of doing something...
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3647 Hits

7 Expenses Many Struggling Workers Won't Get Rid Of

When you’re living paycheck to paycheck, as 40% of Americans are according to a 2013 survey conducted by Harris Interactive, the best thing to do is to cut back on your spending. Creating more distance between your income and your expenses will keep you from being broke before your next paycheck comes. With the money leftover from your paycheck (yes, you can have money leftover), you can start building a savings cushion to help take care...
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  2825 Hits
2825 Hits

Five Reasons You May Not Prioritize Your Emergency Fund

For years, personal finance experts have been repeated, “Build an emergency fund.” Yet, year after year, statistics show that many Americans don’t have enough money in their emergency funds and more alarming, many don’t have any savings at all. Saving money isn’t easy, but it’s well worth it. However, those without an emergency fund may be rationalizing that it’s ok to put it off for one reason or another. The economy is getting better. When the...
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  2749 Hits
2749 Hits

Are You Taking the 52-Week Money Challenge?

A 52-Week Money Challenge has been circulating on social media and personal finance blogs over the past few weeks. With the onset of the New Year, many people are feeling inspired by a new chance to meet their financial goals and a challenge is one way to get you motivated. If you haven’t seen the 52-Week Money Challenge, here’s how it works. Start week 1 by depositing $1 into your savings. Yes, just $1. Each week,...
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  3685 Hits
3685 Hits

Conduct a Financial Status Update to Start the New Year

Starting the New Year with full understanding of where you stand will put you on track to meeting your financial goals. So take pull out your financial documents, get out a pen and piece of paper, and jot down details of all your financial accounts. Having all the numbers in one place puts you in a much better decision making position than if they were all scattered. Here’s what to take account of: Monthly household budget....
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  2826 Hits
2826 Hits

Tips for Making - And Not Breaking - Your New Year's Resolutions

Another New Year rolls around and once again, it’s time to come up with those resolutions – the things you hope to accomplish this year, but will probably forget about before Spring rolls around, if not by Valentine's Day. Maybe the real resolution this year should be to actually keep your resolutions. In an article for the Pennsylvania Psychological Association, Pauline W. Wallin, Ph.D. suggests a few reasons that we don’t keep our resolutions. For starters,...
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  2863 Hits
2863 Hits

Get Money Back on Prior Purchases With Price Protection Benefits

Seeing a lower price on an item you recently purchased is frustrating, especially if it’s a significant price drop. All you can think is “If I’d just waited a few more days, I could have gotten it for this price.” Well, you still may be able to, but you’ll need your receipt. Price Adjustment at the Store Many stores offer price adjustments, but only within two weeks of the purchase if the item is currently priced...
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  3504 Hits
3504 Hits

Don't Get Tricked By Special Financing

"Deals" are everywhere you turn during the holiday season. Retailers are just as eager to make a dollar as consumers are to save a dollar. Some offer seemingly extraordinary discounts while others lure you with special financing deals, especially with higher-priced items. “Pay no interest until 2015,” one might read. Another may offer “0% for 18 months.” While you may see more of these offers during peak shopping seasons, like the winter holidays, many retailers offer...
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  2685 Hits
2685 Hits