Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Credit Card Interest

5 Simple Ways to Save Money on Credit Card Interest
Credit card interest is one of the biggest expenses of having a credit card. Every month that you don’t pay your credit card balance in full, your card issuer will add a finance charge based on your interest rate and credit card balance. The higher your rate and your balance, the higher your finance charge will be.  Unfortunately, high finance charges can make it more difficult to pay off your balance, especially if you typically pay only...
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You should do everything you can to pay off your credit card each month. There are obvious circumstances you cannot avoid, but if ... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 18:04
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7 Rules for Dealing With a Pay Cut

7 Rules for Dealing With a Pay Cut
We want to make more money in our careers, not less. Unfortunately, there may be instances where you have to deal with a pay cut. Your job may have to cut wages to stay in business, your commission may be lower, your own business may suffer a loss of revenue, or you could decide to take a job that pays less money. Dealing with a pay cut is far less than ideal, but navigating the reduction in wages...
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I unfortunately have had to deal with this situation several times. I have done what I could to make extra money, but I mainly foc... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:53
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These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score

These 5 Things Don't Affect Your Credit Score
Certain aspects of money management are good for your financial health, but have nothing to do with your credit score. Not directly at least. Check out five important parts of your finances that don’t directly affect your credit score. The amount of money you make Your income isn’t one of the primary factors that goes into your credit score. So, whether you make a little money or a lot, your credit score won’t be affected. However,...
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While these many not directly impact your credit score, I certainty believe these indirectly impact your credit score. All of thes... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:50
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5 Important Steps to Take If You’re Victim of Credit Card Fraud

5 Important Steps to Take If You’re Victim of Credit Card Fraud
With the increase of data breaches and credit card skimming, we’re all at risk of becoming victims of credit card fraud. Thieves can steal your credit card number and make purchases on your account, even if your credit card never leaves your possession. Knowing what to do if your credit card information is compromised is important to minimizing the damage to your credit standing. The best way to catch credit card fraud is to monitor your...
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How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit

How Being Too Busy Can Hurt Your Credit
These days it seems like busy is the new black, but your inability to say no can come with side effects beyond being tired and stressed. Leading a busy life can have a negative impact to your credit in ways you never realized. You forget to pay your credit card bills on time. When you’re too busy, deadlines continually come and go. If you’re a busy person, you’ve undoubtedly missed a payment or two because of...
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This is exactly what happened to me at the beginning of this year. I was incredibly busy at work, and I did not keep detailed reco... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:47
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0% Balance Transfers Could End Up Costing

0% Balance Transfers Could End Up Costing
If you qualify for a zero percent APR balance transfer, you have a chance to pay off your credit card balance with absolutely no interest. But even with a no interest promotion, your balance transfer can come with some costs. Minimizing these costs is key to making sure the balance transfer benefits you. Balance transfer fee. Most credit cards tack on a balance transfer fee automatically when you move your balance from another credit card. The typical...
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This can help for the short term, but it is not a long term solution to your problems. Be careful if you plan to go down this rout... Read More
Sunday, 22 May 2016 17:41
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5 Unexpected Costs of Switching Jobs

5 Unexpected Costs of Switching Jobs
It’s rare these days to start and finish your career within the same company. You'll probably change jobs at least once, possibly more. Anytime you're considering a new position, you should also consider the costs of switching jobs. You might lose your 401(k) match and stock options if you leave before you’re fully vested, or allowed to keep these benefits. Leaving the company before your five-year anniversary means losing these perks. You will, however, get to keep any...
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Also while not financial costs, below are a few additional “costs” you may encounter • Start your credibility all over • Gain the ... Read More
Monday, 25 April 2016 08:32
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6 Ways to Resist Upsells and Save Money

6 Ways to Resist Upsells and Save Money
  You probably encounter upselling with almost every purchase you make. You know, when a salesperson or waiter tries to get you to upgrade your purchase or buy something extra on top of what you're already buying. It's an effective sales tactic because you’re already in a mindset to make a purchase. The salesperson just has to convince you to spend a little more. If you want to avoid upsells and save money, here are a few...
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Great tips! Saying no is simple advice, but hard to follow! Some people have trouble saying no and saying no repeatedly if you hav... Read More
Monday, 25 April 2016 08:32
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How to Stick To Your Budget on Vacation

How to Stick To Your Budget on Vacation
When you’re on vacation, you want to relax, not worry about money. But, you don't want life after vacation to be miserable because you couldn’t practice just a little self-discipline away from home. Sticking to a budget while you’re on vacation can be tough, but here are some ways to make it easier. Know how much spending money you have. Check your budget before you leave so you know how much you’re able to comfortably spend. Break the...
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I always to stay with friends when I go on vacation. Saving on lodging can save you a ton of money!
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:30
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7 Best Things to Do For Your Career

7 Best Things to Do For Your Career
Your financial success is directly tied to your career success. The further you go in your career, the more opportunity you have to increase your income and achieve your financial goals. Going to work and performing your job everyday isn't enough. Here are seven other things to do to succeed in your career. Know what you’re good at. Successful people are great at identifying the top things they’re good at. Not only does this skill help you in job...
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I would add: (1) Continue to learn new skills (2) Continue to put yourself in challenging situations (3) Do not get complacent... Read More
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:30
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