Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake

Three Major Signs a Debt Collection is Fake
  Scammers are continually coming up with new ways to trick consumers out of money. Fake debt collections is a scheme you could easily fall for, if you're not careful. Before you pay a collection you think you owe, use these three tips to be sure the collector isn't a fake. They can’t tell you who the debt is from. All collection accounts have an origin, a company that you used to do business with. If...
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8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job

8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job
Taking on a part-time job or making money from a side hustle can bring in more money than you know what to do with. Here are eight ideas for what you can do with money from a side job. Make ends meet. If you’re having trouble paying bills with the income from your regular job, money from a side job will be much needed. You can use the income to comfortably cover your bills and other expenses....
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I have said this before, buy in today’s age, more and more people are getting “side jobs”. It can be a great way for someone to ge... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:36
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Thinking of Buying a New Car? 3 Reasons Not To

Thinking of Buying a New Car? 3 Reasons Not To
Buying a brand new car is definitely exciting. Maybe it’s knowing that you’re the first person to ever own the car. Or, knowing that you'll have a few good years before you start having major mechanical issues. Everything on a new car is clean and shiny and the new smell is unmatched. Most people who buy a brand new car do so for a certain feeling and that feeling comes at a cost. Here are three reasons a new...
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New cars are of course very nice to have, but certainly not a necessity. Make sure you think long and hard about your financial si... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:32
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3 Easy Ways to Avoid Double ATM Fees

3 Easy Ways to Avoid Double ATM Fees
Using your debit card at the ATM is one of the fastest and most convenient ways to get cash from your checking account. Unfortunately, convenience usually comes with a cost you may be hit with a fee for the with and in some cases, you could even be charged two fees! ATM owners set the fees for withdrawals. The owner of an ATM could be a bank or even an individual. You can typically avoid ATM fees by using...
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I hate ATM fees! I use a national bank so I am usually able to find an ATM in its network, but when I do not, I do get charged a d... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:21
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5 Credit Card Mistakes Almost Every Newbie Makes

5 Credit Card Mistakes Almost Every Newbie Makes
Kids learning to ride a bike are most likely to make mistakes. Why? Because the feeling of being on a bike with no training wheels is unfamiliar to them. Similarly, young adults just starting out with credit are also more prone to making mistakes – because credit cards aren’t like any other financial product they’ve used. Here are a few mistakes almost every credit card newbie makes. You might have even made some of these when you...
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The 2 rules every credit card newbies should follow is: (1) Never miss a payment (2) Pay off your credit card in full every month ... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:00
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Four Reasons Not to Get a Long-Term Auto Loan

Four Reasons Not to Get a Long-Term Auto Loan
More Americans are choosing long-term auto loans, up to 84 months in some cases. That's seven years of car payments! Longer-term car loans are attractive because they allow buyers to purchase a more expensive vehicle with a lower monthly payment compared to a shorter-term loan. While a long-term car loan make it more affordable to get behind the wheel of the car of your dreams, there are several drawbacks to vehicle loans with long repayment periods. You’ll end up upside...
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I agree! Cars in general are terrible investments and are just a cash use asset. The quicker you pay off your car loan, the better... Read More
Thursday, 18 February 2016 11:22
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5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances

5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances
To get better at anything, you have to work on it often. That includes your finances. You can’t take a peek at your budget and balances once a month or so and expect to excel financially. Here are five things you should do everyday for better finances. Review your financial goals. Goals aren’t like an alarm clock that you can set and forget, not if you want to ever reach your goals. You have to review...
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To stay up to date and relevant, I recommend reading at least one personal finance article each day. This will help you learn some... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:09
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12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals

12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals
If you’re serious about achieving your financial goals, follow these twelve tips to ensure your goals are more than just simple dreams.  Make sure they’re specific enough. If you set a goal “to save more money,” how will you know when you’ve saved more money? When you’ve saved $5? $500? $5,000? If your goals are too vague you won’t know how to achieve them or when you’ve reached them. Make sure your goals are specific so you...
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Great information in here. I always write down my financial goals. I also always put them in a spot I can see everyday. Sometimes ... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:06
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Four Financial Rules You Don't Have to Follow

Four Financial Rules You Don't Have to Follow
Financial rules are supposed to guide your behavior and help you make good decisions. However, there are some rules that don’t apply to every person and situation. Here are a few of them. “Stay away from credit cards.” When people advise to stay away from credit cards, it’s often because they’ve felt or seen what credit card trouble is like. They may have watched parents or friends struggle with credit card debt. Or, they may have...
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Helpful information, but I want to emphasize these rules shouldn't be followed ONLY if they make sense for you to not follow them.... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:32
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Six Financial Things to Start the New Year Right

Six Financial Things to Start the New Year Right
A new year means another opportunity to take your finances to the next level. You can start the new year right by doing these things at the beginning of January. Review last year’s progress. Track how close you came to achieving your goals from last year. If you met or even exceeded your goals, congratulations. If not, consider what you could have done differently to reach your goals. It may mean setting more realistic goals, leaving...
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This is great information. I wanted to provide everyone an example I do for myself every year. As latoyairby mentioned I gather my... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:25
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