Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Work With Your Contractor to Save On Your Project

Maybe you’re dreaming of a new kitchen. Or maybe it’s time to put an addition on your home. Perhaps you want to finish your basement. Regardless of the home improvement project you’re planning, there may be one thing standing in your way: money. Even if you have enough money to complete your project, it doesn’t mean you want to overspend. It’s likely that you’re still interested in saving money along the way. By working closely with...
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  1836 Hits
1836 Hits

What’s the Best Way to Pay for a Home Renovation Project?

Are you interested in taking on a home renovation project? From a new kitchen to finishing your basement, there’s no limit to what you can do with your home. However, there may be something holding you back: money. It’s easy to dream up the perfect home renovation project, but not quite as simple to turn it into reality. Fortunately, there are several ways to pay for a home renovation project, all of which you should consider....
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  1610 Hits
1610 Hits

A Spring Garage Sale May be Just What You Need

As the winter season comes to an end, it’s safe to say that you’re looking forward to warmer weather and everything that comes along with it. After a long winter, you may realize that you’ve got more clutter in your home than you would like. Rather than throw out any unwanted items, it makes better sense to organize a garage sale. Not only does this help you remove clutter, but with the right approach you can...
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  1929 Hits
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I am in bad need of getting a garage sale! I have so much stuff to get rid off, I am hoping to get one organized by April!
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 15:56
I was able to get my act together and did a garage sale this March. While I did not make a ton of money I was able to get rid of a... Read More
Monday, 18 March 2019 16:17
1929 Hits

Easy Ways to Save Big on Appliances

Are you in need of a new appliance, such as a refrigerator or dishwasher? Are you interested in buying an entire package, such as a washer and dryer? It doesn’t matter how many appliances you’re buying, there are tips you can follow to save a load of money. The first thing you need to do is change your mindset. Don’t assume that the only way to purchase appliances is to visit a big box store, review...
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  1979 Hits
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My wife and I purchased a washer/dryer from Sears. We got a huge deal because they are going out of business. However the delivery... Read More
Thursday, 30 August 2018 09:29
1979 Hits
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Inexpensive Ways to Upgrade Your Master Bathroom

Like many people, you spend a good amount of time in your master bathroom. From getting ready for your workday to winding down before you call it a day, this room of your home gets plenty of attention. There may come a point when you realize your master bathroom is no longer up to par. Instead, it requires a few upgrades in order to make the space as comfortable and inviting as possible. While there are...
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  1884 Hits
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We updated our bathroom last year and re did the shower with a glass door. It was inexpensive and it made the bathroom look a lot ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:50
1884 Hits
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What are the Benefits of a Smart Thermostat?

Many homeowners never think twice about their home’s thermostat. As long as it does its job, they leave well enough alone (and hope that nothing ever goes wrong). While there’s nothing wrong with this approach, there are many benefits of a smart thermostat that you can’t afford to overlook. Here are three reasons why now may be the time to ditch your old thermostat for something that’s much smarter: •    Save energy, save money. Every homeowner...
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  1999 Hits
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I bought a Nest last year, and have probably saved several hundreds on this. Its so great and its 100% worth the investment.... Read More
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:14
1999 Hits
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How to Save on Your Water Bill this Spring

With the spring season in full swing, it’s time to take a strong look at your water usage and the changes you can make to save money in the months to come. Like many people, you may find your water bill going through the roof during this time of the year. Rather than go down the same path this year, there are a few basic changes you can make to save some money. Here are some...
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  2214 Hits
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I usually try to only water my plants and lawn when its needed. Given if it rains a lot, I save on my water bill!
Friday, 29 June 2018 11:13
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Easy Ways to Reduce Cooling Costs this Summer

After a long and cold winter for most of the country, it appears that warmer weather has finally arrived. On one side of things this means you can turn off your furnace once and for all, thus saving on heating costs. However, as the temperature in your area continues to climb, you’ll find yourself searching for ways to cool your home in the most economical manner. The easiest way to immediately cool your home is to...
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  2123 Hits
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You can always have your A/C break in the summer This unfortunately happened to me this summer. It was terrible, but my bill was ... Read More
Wednesday, 18 July 2018 11:44
2123 Hits
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Reasons to Plan Your Spring Home Renovation Projects Today

Are you looking forward to the spring months? Do you have big plans in mind in regards to your home? Are you hoping to take on a renovation project in the next few months? Although the cold weather is lingering, there is no better time than now to plan your spring home renovation project(s). Here are three reasons why you should take control right now: 1. Improved Financial Planning Most home renovation projects take a lot...
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  2466 Hits
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My wife and I are planning a big landscape renovation. We are planning to build a new fence as well as build out our deck a bit. W... Read More
Monday, 30 April 2018 16:41
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Do These Things Before Hiring a Contractor

Do you have big plans for your next home renovation project? Have you come to find that the work is beyond your scope? Are you ready to hire a contractor? Hiring a contractor is never quite as simple as it sounds. On the surface, you assume that all you have to do is find a qualified company, discuss the project, and agree on payment terms. Unfortunately, it’s not always this simple. There are both good and...
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  2285 Hits
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I really have only hired contractors for small projects for less than $500. I use TaskRabbit or Thumbstack. Overall I have been ha... Read More
Monday, 26 February 2018 15:40
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