Crown Jewelers! Please Read

  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers! Please Read

It's not a matter of who they report to.

I totally agree with you on all the rest but I have to disagree on this one. IT does matter if they are reporting to all three Cb's because that is what makes your scores "Differences" gap apart hard. I had to get on a few of my creditors for not doing so and Chevron is one of them. I was told by someone that the new FICO scoring system is going to match all 3 Cr's to make sure that they all have the same accuracy. This is not positive since I have not read the new manual, but just thought I would throw that in there since I just thought of it.

It is better to have all 3 of your creditors to match each CB to balance our reports. It's a different story when we have baddies on there because I refuse to call in and ask for my co to be added to eq:laugh:. Sometimes we have not choice because I have been getting on chase for the longest to put all my accounts in all 3 Cb's, I figure if they looked at them all they should add to them all right?
16 years 2 months ago #1
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers! Please Read

Do they only report to one credit bureau. I live on the east coast, so i definitely need my equifax score to go up; so far they have only reported to experian.

It's not a matter of who they report to. I'm sure they report to all 3 credit bureaus but Equifax takes a little bit more time to update their info. Experian is the fastest and Transunion comes in second. Give it some time and hopefully you will see your CJ account on your EQ report.

Also, if you're looking for a credit card that will report to all three bureaus, try Capital One and HSBC. They report to all 3 credit bureaus and help your scores out a lot in the long run.
16 years 2 months ago #2
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers! Please Read

This is just a comment about someone saying that the crown jewelers store card would not help the credit score.

Any card that reports to the cb will help your credit score:

1. When you pay on time
2. Don't go over the limit
3. Credit limit increases
4. Establish a nice history
5. Keep utilization low

Call them and ask do they report to all 3 cb's because sometimes they can make errors. Some creditors do not report to all 3 cb's so CJ's would not be the only ones who do not.
16 years 2 months ago #3
  • Posts: 12

Replied by sphj413 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers! Please Read

This is just a comment about someone saying that the crown jewelers store card would not help the credit score. I got a crown acct recently, made a very small purchase, the account showed up on my experian acct as revolving and boosted the score by 50 points. I'm thinking it's because my credit limit is $2500.00 and the purchase was only $79.00. After the down payment, the balance is around $50.00.

Do they only report to one credit bureau. I live on the east coast, so i definitely need my equifax score to go up; so far they have only reported to experian.
16 years 2 months ago #4
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers! Please Read

Critical update 12/01/2008
16 years 3 months ago #5
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

Im bringing them all together now Kmoney!:cool:
16 years 7 months ago #6
  • Posts: 661

Replied by KMoney on topic Re: Crown Jewelers Identity Theft

Wasn't there another posting on FG about Crown Jewelers Identity Theft
16 years 7 months ago #7
  • Posts: 244

Replied by KIEJON9 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers Identity Theft

Wow, thanks for this post KEIJON. This will help a lot of readers think twice about opening an account with Crown Jewelers. A lot of consumers nowadays are freezing their reports on all three credit bureaus and that is a good idea to put an extra level of security on your credit report. I am thinking about freezing my reports also because I am not going to apply for any new loans or credit cards anytime soon.

16 years 7 months ago #8
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers Identity Theft

Wow, thanks for this post KEIJON. This will help a lot of readers think twice about opening an account with Crown Jewelers. A lot of consumers nowadays are freezing their reports on all three credit bureaus and that is a good idea to put an extra level of security on your credit report. I am thinking about freezing my reports also because I am not going to apply for any new loans or credit cards anytime soon.
16 years 7 months ago #9
  • Posts: 244

Replied by KIEJON9 on topic Crown Jewelers Identity Theft

Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

I get online today to check my credit reports something is happen with my reports so I log in and check it out and I have a new inquiry from bofa I do business with them and i have alot of accounts with them which this new inquiry set off red flags!!! I called the number listed and explained who I was and I didn't authorize them to pull my credit. The branch manager "Who by the way is in same state where I live..." told me I'm sorry Mr Jones someone has gotten ahold of your personal information and was able to open up a new account with us. thats when my heart hit the Fu****** floor...
You know what I mean when you have done the work to build your credit and to have someone come along and try to F*** that up

However our fraud department caught it and closed the account. when the Fraud department called me back she said "You have a Crown Jewelers account on your credit report right???" I said yes they are still reporting 2 of my account she said I'm sorry but there has been some security breech . There have been extremely high amounts of new accounts popping up all over the country and out of the country. When we compared those victims reports they all had an account with Crown Jewelers.. what the F****

Its really scary to know that someone knows enough information about me to do whatever and I am so mad at crown jeweler right now at their lack security / response to everybody else who has been reporting this on the boards. Their website says its secured what the hell
I've had to freeze my reports at all three agencies as a result, file a police report other things. Its one thing to go through unauthorized credit card transactions thats not yours and another to deal with imposters opening up accounts under my name.

Of course I will be calling crown jewelers .
Crown Jewelers pride themselves in helping people build their credit but instead they are creating nightmares for alot of people and as of today i will know longer to business with crown jewelers

Keith jones Moreno Valley Ca

Keith Jones Jr
CEO of Computer Connection &
16 years 7 months ago #10
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

If that's the case, then I do agree with you Meya.
16 years 7 months ago #11
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

Did you read the stories about CJ appearing on peoples bank account for no reason, loosin info, not showing on cr...etc. I think ash started the thread first and others followed them.
16 years 7 months ago #12
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

Ture, but after reading the link seems like to me they are screwing them at the same time

Why do you say that?
16 years 7 months ago #13
  • Posts: 4522

Replied by Meya on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

True, but after reading the link seems like to me they are screwing them at the same time
:shocked: :confused:
16 years 7 months ago #14
  • Posts: 3479

Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: Crown Jewelers and Identity Theft

CJ is a consumer favorite for helping lower util.
16 years 7 months ago #15