Super Finance Glossary


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Displaying next 160 results of 460
Emerging Company Marketplace (ECM)
Definition: A service once offered by the American Stock Exchange to help small growth companies fulfill special listing requirements. The service is no longer available.
Emerging Markets
Definition: The financial markets of developing economies.
Emerging Markets Free Index (EMF)
Definition: A Morgan Stanley Capital International index created to track stock markets in selected emerging markets that are open to foreign investment like Argentina, Chile, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Philippines, and Thailand.
Emerging Markets Fund
Definition: A mutual fund that invests primarily in countries with developing economies (that is, those that are becoming industrialized). Emerging markets funds tend to be more volatile than domestic stock funds due to currency fluctuation and political instability. Consequently, fund prices can fluctuate dramatically.
Definition: Works for an employer. Employers can control when, where, and how the employee performs the work.
Employee Contribution
Definition: An employee's own deposit to a company retirement plan.
Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)
Definition: The law that regulates the operation of private pensions and benefit plans.
Employee Stock Fund
Definition: A firm-sponsored program that enables employees to purchase shares of the firm's common stock on a preferential basis.
Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)
Definition: A company contributes to a trust fund that buys stock on behalf of employees.
Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)
Definition: A plan usually linked to a corporation's payroll deduction system allowing employees to purchase shares at a discount from current market value.
Employer Matching Contribution
Definition: The amount, if any, a company contributes on an employee's behalf to the employee's retirement account, usually tied to the employee's own contribution.
Employment Rate
Definition: The percentage of the labor force that is employed. The employment rate is one of the economic indicators that economists examine to help understand the state of the economy. See also: Unemployment rate.
Empty Head And Pure Heart Test
Definition: Securities and Exchange Commission rule that allows only the bidder of a tender offer to trade in the stock while possessing inside information.
Definition: A property owned by one party on which a second party reserves the right to make a valid claim, e.g., a bank's holding of a home mortgage encumbers property.
End Loan
Definition: Same or similar to "construction loan." See also "construction loan."
End-of-year Convention
Definition: Treating cash flows as if they occur at the end of a year as opposed to the date convention. Under the end-of-year convention, the present is time 0, the end of year 1 occurs one year hence; and so on.
Endogenous Uncertainty
Definition: Describes factors within the control of the firm, such as a decision to reveal information about price or input costs. Converse of exogenous.
Endogenous Variable
Definition: A value determined within the context of a model. Related: Exogenous variable.
Definition: Transferring asset ownership by signing the back of the asset's certificate.