Super Finance Glossary


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Definition: Gift of money or property to a specified institution for a specified purpose.
Endowment Funds
Definition: Investment funds established for the support of institutions such as colleges, private schools, museums, hospitals, and foundations. The investment income may be used for the operation of the institution and for capital expenditures.
Energy Mutual Fund
Definition: Mutual fund investing in energy stocks only, e.g., oil and gas companies.
Engineering Risk
Definition: The risk associated with the impact on a project's cash flows from deficiencies in design or engineering. Also known as design risk.
Enhanced Indexing
Definition: Also called indexing-plus, an indexing strategy whose objective is to exceed or replicate the total return performance of some predetermined index.
Definition: An innovation that has a positive impact on one or more of a firm's existing products.
Definition: A business firm.
Enterprise Value
Definition: The market capitalization of a firm's equity plus the market value of the firm's debt. Often the value of assets that are non-core are excluded from the final calculation.
Definition: A person starting a new company who takes on the risks associated with starting the enterprise, which may require venture capital to cover start-up costs.
Definition: The level of disorder in a system.
Enumerated Agricultural Commodities
Definition: The commodities specifically listed in Section 1a(3) of the Commodity Exchange Act : wheat, cotton, rice, corn, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, grain sorghums, mill feeds, butter, eggs, Solanum tuberosum (Irish potatoes), wool, wool tops, fats and oils (including lard, tallow, cottonseed oil, peanut oil, soybean oil, and all other fats and oils), cottonseed meal, cottonseed, peanuts, soybeans, soybean meal, livestock, livestock products, and frozen concentrated orange juice.
Environmental Fund
Definition: A mutual fund that invests strictly in stocks of companies that are environmentally friendly and/or have the goal of environmental betterment. The investors are trying to support and profit from opportunities related to the environmental movement.
Environmental Risk
Definition: The risk associated with economic or administrative consequences of slow or catastrophic environmental pollution.
Definition: See: Earnings per share
Equal Dollar Swap
Definition: Selling common stock/convertibles in one company and reinvesting the proceeds in as many shares of (1) another type of security issued by the company, or (2) another security of the same type but of another company -- as can be bought with the proceeds of the sale. See: Equal shares swap.
Equal Percentage Contribution Rule (EPCoR)
Definition: Principle that each asset contributes the same proportion to the equilibrium portfolio rate premium and risk.
Equal Shares Swap
Definition: Applies mainly to convertible securities. Selling the underlying common and reinvesting the proceeds in as much of the convertible as can be converted into the number of shares of common just sold. See equal dollar swap.
Equalizing Dividend
Definition: Special dividends received by investors of a firm for income the investor lost because the firm altered the dividends payment schedule.