Super Finance Glossary


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Electronic Filing (e-file)
Definition: The transmission of tax information directly to the IRS using telephones or computers. Electronic filing options include (1) Online self-prepared using a personal computer and tax preparation software, or (2) using a tax professional. Electronic filing may take place at the taxpayer's home, a volunteer site, the library, a financial institution, the workplace, malls and stores, or a tax professional's place of business.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Definition: Transfer of funds electronically rather than by check or cash. The Federal Reserve's Fedwire and automated clearninghouse services are EFT systems.
Electronic Funds Transfer Systems
Definition: A variety of systems and technologies for transferring funds (money) electronically rather than by check. Includes Fedwire, automated clearringhouses (ACHs) and other automated systems.
Electronic Preparation
Definition: Electronic preparation means that tax preparation software and computers are used to complete tax returns. Electronic tax preparation helps to reduce errors.
Electronic Queriable Carrier
Definition: A transporter of goods which allows tracking of goods in transit electronically using a waybill number such as United Parcel, Federal Express, etc.
Electronic Return Originator (ERO)
Definition: The Authorized IRS e-file Provider that originates the electronic submission of an income tax return to the IRS. EROs may originate the electronic submission of income tax returns they either prepared or collected from taxpayers. Some EROs charge a fee for submitting returns electronically.
Electronic Trading Facility
Definition: A trading facility that operates by an electronic or telecommunications network instead of a trading floor and maintains an automated audit trail of transactions.
Definition: A term used to refer to large institutional investors.
Eleven Bond Index
Definition: An index based on the average yield of 11 municipal bonds that mature in 20 years and carry an average AA rating. The eleven bonds used to calculate the index are also found in the 20 bond index, which serves as a benchmark in tracking municipal bond yields.
Eligible Bankers' Acceptances
Definition: In the BA market, an acceptance may be referred to as eligible because it is acceptable by the Fed as collateral at the discount window and/or because the accepting bank can sell it without incurring a reserve requirement.
Eligible Commercial Entity
Definition: An eligible contract participant or other entity approved by the CFTC that has a demonstrable ability to make or take delivery of an underlying commodity of a contract; incurs risks related to the commodity; or is a dealer that regularly provides risk management, hedging services, or market-making activities to entities trading commodities or derivative agreements, contracts, or transactions in commodities.
Eligible Contract Participant
Definition: An entity, such as a financial institution, insurance company, or commodity pool, that is classified by the Commodity Exchange Act as an eligible contract participant based upon its regulated status or amount of assets. This classification permits these persons to engage in transactions (such as trading on a Derivatives Transaction Execution Facility) not generally available to non-eligible contract participants, i.e., retail customers.
Elliot Wave

(1) A theory named after Ralph Elliot, who contended that the stock market tends to move in discernible and predictable patterns reflecting the basic harmony of nature and extended by other technical analysts to futures markets;

(2) in technical analysis, a charting method based on the belief that all prices act as waves, rising and falling rhythmically.

Elliott Wave Theory
Definition: Technical market timing strategy that predicts price movements on the basis of historical price wave patterns and their underlying psychological motives. Robert Prechter is a famous Elliott Wave theorist.
Definition: A term the host uses to refer to guests on the PBS television show, "Wall Street Week", who are technical analysts attempting to predict the direction of stock prices over the next six months.
Definition: See: Effective margin
Embedded Option
Definition: An option that is part of the structure of a bond that gives either the bondholder or the issuer the right to take some action against the other party, as opposed to a bare option, which trades separately from any underlying security.
Definition: Any market occurrence or circumstance which requires immediate action and threatens or may threaten such things as the fair and orderly trading in, or the liquidation of, or delivery pursuant to, any contracts on a contract market.
Emergency Fund
Definition: A reserve of cash kept available to meet the costs of any unexpected financial emergencies.
Emergency Home Finance Act Of 1970
Definition: The federal legislation creating the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, a partially government-run program initiated to stimulate the development of a secondary mortgage market and expand mortgages available to veterans and other groups.