Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Alison is a freelance writer, teacher, budding entrepreneur, and mom.

Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate, Part 3

As of this past March I’ve been posting monthly tips for saving money, which I’m calling “frugal flips.” So far, the flips I’ve shared in this series have the potential to save around $1973 a year. Frugal Flip #6: Re-think your coffee brewing method This one will be especially useful for those of you who regularly make your own coffee at home with a single cup brewing machine, such as a Keurig. If you’ve been thinking...
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  3464 Hits
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Great post! Do you have any recommendations on the brand of the reusable cup?
Monday, 25 September 2017 17:37
Hi Frank! Thanks for the positive feedback. I try to avoid mentioning brand names in my articles so I don't sound like a walking a... Read More
Saturday, 30 September 2017 12:58
3464 Hits

6 Sneaky Ways Coupons Lead to Overspending

When it comes to saving money there’s no denying the popularity of coupons. In their 2017 Coupon and Promo Code Use Study, public opinion research firm PRRI found that 92% of consumers have used coupons in the past year. But do they really help us save money? Unfortunately, too many of us end up spending more money when we use coupons than we would have without them. And that is exactly why coupons exist. Budget conscious...
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  3615 Hits
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I always get caught on #3. My wife too!
Sunday, 30 April 2017 20:46
Me too! I'm sure we're not the only ones. Coupon psychology is powerful stuff, and that one is especially insidious!
Monday, 01 May 2017 10:51
3615 Hits

Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate, Part 2

Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate, Part 2
Last month I rolled out a new series in which I will post monthly tips for saving money, which I’m calling “frugal flips.” So far, the first four I’ve proposed have the potential to save up to $1900 a year. Frugal Flip #5: Make your own soap Before you tune me out because this one sounds too complicated, hang on a moment. It’s actually super easy and will only take a few minutes of your time,...
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  3291 Hits
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Look forward to your insight on how to save money. You already put forth some new ideas (to me) not in my grab bag.
Monday, 03 April 2017 14:45
Thank you for the encouraging feedback! Good to know these little tips have been useful.
Monday, 01 May 2017 10:35
My wife makes her own soap! she loves it
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:27
3291 Hits

Will a biweekly payment plan really save you money on your car loan?

Will a biweekly payment plan really save you money on your car loan?
According to Experian’s latest quarterly report the average amount financed on a new car loan is $30,621. With the average loan term and interest rate at 68 months and 4.69% respectively, an average car buyer would end up paying $4308.49 in overall interest. For many of us that’s a lot of money. It’s no wonder “tens of thousands of people” sign up for so-called loan payment acceleration plans who claim to help them pay off their...
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  5997 Hits
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Incredible analysis Alison, this is awesome!!!
Friday, 30 June 2017 15:27
5997 Hits
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Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate

Frugal Flips for the Not-So-Extreme Cheapskate
Back in the day, before reality TV and the internet were there to tell me otherwise, I thought I had mastered the art of living on the cheap. As a single parent on a tight budget, resourcefulness was essential for survival. My ability to stretch a dollar became so great I considered it a super power. I was the Wonder Woman of frugality and a DIY champ before crunchy granola moms and their Pinterest boards made...
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  3019 Hits
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Do you think people can grow enough food to feed themselves independently?
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:59
3019 Hits
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Do You Really Need That Gap Insurance Policy? Yes, but... (what the dealership doesn’t want you to know)

Do You Really Need That Gap Insurance Policy? Yes, but... (what the dealership doesn’t want you to know)
So you finally found your dream car (or something close to it that you can afford). You’ve done your homework and you’re pretty sure you’ve got all your ducks in a row. You took the test drive, shopped around for a fair price, got approved for a loan with terms you can live with and a budget friendly interest rate, and you’ve made arrangements to get the right kind of insurance coverage. Ready to sign the...
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  4550 Hits
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Great post! Never heard of "Gap" Insurance. Good to hear about the pros and cons!
Thursday, 02 February 2017 04:10
This is extremely helpful and detailed! Thanks for the information. The next time I purchase a car, I will definitely look into th... Read More
Monday, 22 May 2017 10:34
4550 Hits

Extra Cash for Holiday Gifting and Other Benefits of Online Grocery Shopping

Extra Cash for Holiday Gifting and Other Benefits of Online Grocery Shopping
I may never set foot in a grocery store again. Yes, I know. Never is probably not realistic, especially when it comes to buying food, one of life’s absolute necessities. So I wax a little hyperbolic. Forgive me. I have finally been relieved of one of my most loathed housekeeping chores and I am just so flipping excited! Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, I will only ever have to darken the doorways of any...
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  3722 Hits
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What delivery services have you used?
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:01
Guest — Alison Filippini
I've been using Kroger ClickList. It's not exactly a delivery service, per se. You have to pick up at the store after ordering onl... Read More
Tuesday, 20 December 2016 12:20
Hi Frank! So sorry for the late reply. I actually did post an answer to your question ( I thought) back in December, but I just no... Read More
Saturday, 25 February 2017 11:33
3722 Hits

Don't Let New Tech Toys Make You Sing the Post-Holiday Blues

Don't Let New Tech Toys Make You Sing the Post-Holiday Blues
Gaming consoles, smart watches, Wi-Fi enabled dolls and toys, fitness trackers, toys with microphones and cameras, TVs, laptops, and tablets were among this past holiday season’s hottest gifts, to the tune of roughly 34.2 billion dollars. The Consumer Electronics Association projected that 160 million of us would give high tech gadgets as gifts in 2015. And these gadgets, according to the anti-malware company Emsisoft, could turn out to be the gifts that keep on giving--but not...
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  3341 Hits
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Great post! A real "heads up" on what may be lurking in the electronic world for privacy invasions.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 05:23
Agreed, great information Allison. I agree the media can portray some of this information as over the top and over alarm people, b... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:50
3341 Hits

Teach Your Children Well: Essential Skills for Financial Literacy

Reality check: 76% of American families live paycheck to paycheck. Only 50% of us have enough savings to cover expenses for three months. 27% have nothing saved. 38% of adults don’t think they’ll have enough saved by the time they reach retirement age. Only 40% are following a budget. Collectively, we owe 11.52 trillion dollars in consumer debt. When it comes to their personal finance knowledge, 40% of adults would give themselves a grade of C,...
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  3489 Hits
3489 Hits

Unconventional Wisdom: Can You Succeed Without a Business Plan?

If you’ve been thinking seriously about starting a business, you’re probably well aware that you should write a business plan. It is, after all, one of the first steps most experts will advise you to take on your entrepreneurial journey. The Small Business Administration calls the business plan “an essential roadmap for business success” and places it at the top of their suggested 10 step process to starting a business. Surely, if the SBA says the...
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  3924 Hits
3924 Hits