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How to Prepare Now for a Job Search in 2021


With the year quickly coming to an end, there is no better time than now to think about the future. The year will likely be remembered as "infamous 2020" or something like that for most people.

For some, this means one thing: finding a new job in the new year.

If you know you want to change positions in 2021, don’t wait any longer to review your situation and decide which steps to take.

Although everyone is in a unique professional position, there are several steps you can take this year to help prepare for a job search next year. Consider the following:

  1. Define what You’re Looking for

It’s one thing to say you want to find a new job, but another thing entirely to chase after your dream position.

You should clearly define what you’re looking for. From the title to the responsibilities, from the location to the pay, and COVID 19 concerns - make sure you know what’ll make you happy this time around.

  1. Formulate a Plan

Landing a new job is easier said than done. Fortunately, with the right plan guiding you, it’s much easier to achieve success.

For some, this means reaching out to their network to let everyone know they’re in the job market. For others, it means scouring online job boards in hopes of finding the perfect fit.

Online meetings and working are playing a crucial role with social distancing. Learn about various tools, such as Zoom, computer skills and online workplace requirements from potential employers before your interview. Brush up or study these skills so you are familiar with them.

As long as you have a plan, you’ll know which direction to head when the time comes.

  1. Be Patient

Even with three months remaining in 2020, you know that time will fly. This has a way of speeding people up, making you worry that you won’t be able to find a new position within your specified time frame.

Although it’s important to move forward in an aggressive manner, be patient with your approach. This will ensure that you don’t take a job simply for the sake of doing so. When you make a change, you want it to be the right one.

Do you have any other tips to add? What approach would you take to a job search in today’s day and age?

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Comments 1

Wanderer on Wednesday, 21 October 2020 19:46

A good list of job search items that will aide a person considering work. It certainly can be scary and paying as much attention to the job search as we would to working would serve us well.

A good list of job search items that will aide a person considering work. It certainly can be scary and paying as much attention to the job search as we would to working would serve us well.
Monday, 03 March 2025

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