Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

What are the Signs of a Budget that Needs Altered?

What are the Signs of a Budget that Needs Altered?
In a perfect world, you would never have to change your budget. It would remain the same (100 percent effective), month after month. In the real world, however, there are times when you need to alter your budget to better suit your income, expenses, and goals. Here are three signs of a budget that needs altered: 1. Continue to spend more than you have budgeted for. This may happen from time to time, but if it...
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As discussed throughout this website, your budget has to be flexible and dynamic. Each month your financial situation may change a... Read More
Thursday, 11 February 2016 17:45
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5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances

5 Things to Do Everyday for Better Finances
To get better at anything, you have to work on it often. That includes your finances. You can’t take a peek at your budget and balances once a month or so and expect to excel financially. Here are five things you should do everyday for better finances. Review your financial goals. Goals aren’t like an alarm clock that you can set and forget, not if you want to ever reach your goals. You have to review...
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To stay up to date and relevant, I recommend reading at least one personal finance article each day. This will help you learn some... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:09
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12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals

12 Tips for Reaching Your Financial Goals
If you’re serious about achieving your financial goals, follow these twelve tips to ensure your goals are more than just simple dreams.  Make sure they’re specific enough. If you set a goal “to save more money,” how will you know when you’ve saved more money? When you’ve saved $5? $500? $5,000? If your goals are too vague you won’t know how to achieve them or when you’ve reached them. Make sure your goals are specific so you...
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Great information in here. I always write down my financial goals. I also always put them in a spot I can see everyday. Sometimes ... Read More
Monday, 01 February 2016 15:06
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3 Steps to Quickly Find a Tax Professional

3 Steps to Quickly Find a Tax Professional
This topic has been discussed time and time again, but now is the time of the year when it should really hit home. If you have a tax professional you trust, it won’t be long before you are scheduling an appointment and filing your final return. But what if you don’t have a tax professional? What if you need to make a change this year? With the filing deadline closing in quickly, you don’t want to...
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I always recommend asking around, especially if you would like to use a local tax professional. Sometimes the best people don't ad... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:27
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How to Request an Adjustment on a Utility Bill

How to Request an Adjustment on a Utility Bill
Just the same as anybody with a budget, yours includes each and every utility that you pay. For most, this means gas, water, sewage, electric, and cable. While the cost of each can change by the month, often based on factors such as the weather, you have a basic idea of how much each expense will set you back. And then something happens. You get a crazy high bill in the mail and you wonder what’s...
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The highest likelihood of getting an adjustment on your utility bill is through water. Breaks and leaks from pipes can frequently ... Read More
Friday, 29 January 2016 09:24
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How Your Budget can Cause More Harm than Good

How Your Budget can Cause More Harm than Good
There are many benefits of creating a budget, including the fact that you know exactly how much you are spending every month. Taking this one step further, you will have a clear idea as to where your money is going. Conversely, there are times when a budget can cause more harm than good. If this concerns you, consider the following: •    Inaccurate information. Your budget needs to be 100 percent accurate at all times. This may...
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Great points related to a budget. Flexibility is my key as "life happens" and we need to adjust. A budget that is complete with re... Read More
Saturday, 16 January 2016 11:12
A budget that is not updated is basically worthless. To get what you need out of a budget, you need to update it with any changes ... Read More
Sunday, 24 January 2016 21:41
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Don't Let New Tech Toys Make You Sing the Post-Holiday Blues

Don't Let New Tech Toys Make You Sing the Post-Holiday Blues
Gaming consoles, smart watches, Wi-Fi enabled dolls and toys, fitness trackers, toys with microphones and cameras, TVs, laptops, and tablets were among this past holiday season’s hottest gifts, to the tune of roughly 34.2 billion dollars. The Consumer Electronics Association projected that 160 million of us would give high tech gadgets as gifts in 2015. And these gadgets, according to the anti-malware company Emsisoft, could turn out to be the gifts that keep on giving--but not...
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Great post! A real "heads up" on what may be lurking in the electronic world for privacy invasions.
Wednesday, 13 January 2016 05:23
Agreed, great information Allison. I agree the media can portray some of this information as over the top and over alarm people, b... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:50
3172 Hits

Follow One of these Career Paths to Earn More in the Future

Follow One of these Career Paths to Earn More in the Future
Are you interested in following a different career path in the future? Are you making this move to earn more money? If you find yourself in this position, there are a variety of opportunities to consider. The Las Vegas Review-Journal recently published its list of the 10 top jobs of 2016, complete with pay and growth rate data. While you have the right to follow any career path you choose, these 10 are among the best: 1....
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A career that provides the lifestyle you want is important. You also have to enjoy what you do everyday. My view is you need to fi... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:48
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Your Budgeted Expenses won’t Always Remain the Same

Your Budgeted Expenses won’t Always Remain the Same
It is easy to believe that your budgeted expenses will remain the same month after month, but this has a way of changing over time. As the cost of living increases, it is important to review your budget and make the necessary changes. There is nothing better than finding that one or more of your budgeted expenses has decreased. Conversely, when one of these increases, it can be a disappointment. Even so, you need to adjust...
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This is an important concept here and for anyone interested in a high-level business lesson, this is called variable expenses. Bus... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:40
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Are you Financially Prepared for an Emergency?

Are you Financially Prepared for an Emergency?
Just when you think you have everything figured out with your finances, an emergency pops up and gets in the way. From a medical bill to a car repair, you never know what the future holds. It is important to be financially prepared for any and every emergency that could come into play in the future. It doesn’t matter how you do this, as long as you take the right approach. Here are three of the...
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There is some great information on the forums about saving for an emergency. People have provided their insight on how much to sav... Read More
Thursday, 14 January 2016 10:33
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