Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Give Your Budget a Chance to Succeed

Give Your Budget a Chance to Succeed
Upon creating a budget, things can go one of two ways: •    You will do whatever it takes to stick with the budget.•    You will soon go back to your old way of doing things. Here is a tip: if you are taking the time to create a budget, you might as well give it a chance to succeed. If you have concerns about staying on track, here are three steps you can take: 1. Be...
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Budgets are so easy to let go. I know it may not be fun or enjoyable but I promise you if you keep track of your finances each mon... Read More
Monday, 25 April 2016 08:32
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5 Unexpected Costs of Switching Jobs

5 Unexpected Costs of Switching Jobs
It’s rare these days to start and finish your career within the same company. You'll probably change jobs at least once, possibly more. Anytime you're considering a new position, you should also consider the costs of switching jobs. You might lose your 401(k) match and stock options if you leave before you’re fully vested, or allowed to keep these benefits. Leaving the company before your five-year anniversary means losing these perks. You will, however, get to keep any...
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Also while not financial costs, below are a few additional “costs” you may encounter • Start your credibility all over • Gain the ... Read More
Monday, 25 April 2016 08:32
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6 Ways to Resist Upsells and Save Money

6 Ways to Resist Upsells and Save Money
  You probably encounter upselling with almost every purchase you make. You know, when a salesperson or waiter tries to get you to upgrade your purchase or buy something extra on top of what you're already buying. It's an effective sales tactic because you’re already in a mindset to make a purchase. The salesperson just has to convince you to spend a little more. If you want to avoid upsells and save money, here are a few...
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Great tips! Saying no is simple advice, but hard to follow! Some people have trouble saying no and saying no repeatedly if you hav... Read More
Monday, 25 April 2016 08:32
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How to Prepare for a Mortgage Payment

How to Prepare for a Mortgage Payment
Are you in the process of searching for your first home? If so, you are dealing with many feelings. On one side of things, this is the most exciting time of your life. Conversely, you are sure to have some fears in regards to paying a mortgage. A mortgage payment is a big change for some people, especially those who have lived rent-free in the past. While it may be scary to take on this payment,...
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#3 is a must and those other expenses can be very meaningful. Make sure you go online and look at a view mortgage calculators to e... Read More
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:32
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How to Stick To Your Budget on Vacation

How to Stick To Your Budget on Vacation
When you’re on vacation, you want to relax, not worry about money. But, you don't want life after vacation to be miserable because you couldn’t practice just a little self-discipline away from home. Sticking to a budget while you’re on vacation can be tough, but here are some ways to make it easier. Know how much spending money you have. Check your budget before you leave so you know how much you’re able to comfortably spend. Break the...
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I always to stay with friends when I go on vacation. Saving on lodging can save you a ton of money!
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:30
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How to Identify Harmful Spending Patterns

How to Identify Harmful Spending Patterns
Spending money is a part of life. No matter how much you save, you will always find yourself parting with money from time to time. The problem comes into play when you begin to recognize harmful spending patterns. If you don’t immediately address this issue, it could drag you down over time. While some people identify these patterns right away, others are blind to them. For this reason, they struggle to stay on a positive financial...
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I would argue if you do not know how much you are spending each month on broad categories, you likely have a spending problem. Bud... Read More
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:31
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7 Best Things to Do For Your Career

7 Best Things to Do For Your Career
Your financial success is directly tied to your career success. The further you go in your career, the more opportunity you have to increase your income and achieve your financial goals. Going to work and performing your job everyday isn't enough. Here are seven other things to do to succeed in your career. Know what you’re good at. Successful people are great at identifying the top things they’re good at. Not only does this skill help you in job...
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I would add: (1) Continue to learn new skills (2) Continue to put yourself in challenging situations (3) Do not get complacent... Read More
Thursday, 21 April 2016 16:30
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What to Look for in a Gas Credit Card

What to Look for in a Gas Credit Card
Have you heard about the benefits of a gas credit card? Are you ready to learn more about this type of offer? If you answer yes to these questions, it may not be long before you are applying for one of these and using it regularly. But before you do anything, remember this: there are hundreds of gas credit card offers to choose from. For this reason, you need to be patient as you search for...
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You should definitely be able to find a gas credit card that offers above 1% cash back. Some go as high as 5%, so make sure you do... Read More
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 20:13
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Ways to Save Money on a Spring Road Trip

Ways to Save Money on a Spring Road Trip
Are you taking a spring road trip? Maybe you are a college student heading for the beach. Or maybe you are taking your family on a long trip during this time of the year. Regardless of your age, destination, or reason for going, it’s important to understand the many ways you can save money. By making a few adjustments to your approach, you can keep more money in your pocket. Subsequently, the funds can be used...
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I would add: (1) Carpool with friends to save on gas (2) Consider camping if you are up for it. Also consider staying with friend... Read More
Tuesday, 19 April 2016 20:15
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8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job

8 Things You Can Do With Money From a Side Job
Taking on a part-time job or making money from a side hustle can bring in more money than you know what to do with. Here are eight ideas for what you can do with money from a side job. Make ends meet. If you’re having trouble paying bills with the income from your regular job, money from a side job will be much needed. You can use the income to comfortably cover your bills and other expenses....
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I have said this before, buy in today’s age, more and more people are getting “side jobs”. It can be a great way for someone to ge... Read More
Tuesday, 08 March 2016 09:36
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