Finance Globe

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5 Ways to Save on Car Insurance in 2020


With 2019 winding down, there’s no better time than now to turn your attention to the new year. As 2020 inches closer, it makes sense to review your budget with an eye toward saving money.

Did your car insurance premium creep higher this year? Are you looking to save money as the year turns?

A car insurance premium increase isn’t always directly related to your personal situation. For example, rates often increase as a result of market conditions.

You don’t have any control over external factors, but there are steps you can personally take to save. Here are five of the best:

1. Shop Around

Don’t assume that the insurance company you’ve been working with for “all those years” can still offer the lowest rate.

Shop around online, via a broker, and/or by calling companies direct. This will give you a clear idea of where each company stands, which may lead you to a better rate.

Tip: rather than shop around on your own, rely on the services of a professional broker. They can do all the legwork so you don’t have to.

2. Alter Your Coverage

It’s never a good idea to chop your coverage for the sole reason of saving money. However, there are times when you can alter your coverage to keep a few extra dollars in your pocket. For example:

•    Increasing your deductibles will lower your monthly premium
•    Reduce your coverage as your vehicle ages (and it decreases in value)
•    Remove any non-essential items

Your broker can review your policy, make suggestions, and help you decide how to alter your coverage.

3. Drive Safely

It’s simple: your car insurance premium will increase if you’re involved in an at-fault accident or receive a citation for a traffic violation.

Not only does safe driving keep down the cost of car insurance, but it also gives you peace of mind.

Here are some basic tips to follow:

•    Become a defensive driver, not an aggressive driver
•    Avoid distractions at all costs (such as texting or talking on the phone)
•    Follow the speed limit
•    Beware of unsafe drivers
•    Watch for dangerous road conditions

Even if you consider yourself a safe driver, there may be additional steps you can take to improve your approach while on the road.

4. Bundle Your Car and Home Insurance Coverage

Are you buying car and home insurance from different companies? While you may have a reason for doing so, it’s time to look into bundling.

When you buy your car and insurance policies from the same provider, they’re likely to offer a steep discount. This can save you hundreds upon hundreds of dollars on both policies.

Ask your car insurance company for a home quote, and ask your home insurance company for a car quote. From there, compare the two prices and make the necessary change.

5. Ask About Discounts

Have you been accident free for longer than you can remember? Did you recently complete a safe driving course? Do you only drive for leisure?

Don’t assume that you’re taking advantage of every available discount. Ask about these at least once a year, as you never know when something else will become available.

A discount can save you hundreds of dollars without having to make any changes to your policy.

Final Thoughts

As you budget for 2020, you may realize that you’re paying entirely too much for car insurance.

Rather than continue to overpay, take the steps above. One or more of these may be just what you need to feel better about your policy and how much you’re paying for coverage.

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Comments 1

Wanderer on Thursday, 07 November 2019 21:15

Great Blog as you pointed out the many aspects for personal insurance.

In my case, I was loyal to a company for thirty years and they did not give me rate breaks for a good track record. Finally asked the agent to share with me the ins and outs. Bottom line, I was not part of the group the insurance company focused on. End result I paid about 10% more than I had too.

Today I shop from three to about seventeen companies and switch if my current company is no longer competitive with my profile. Changed companies four times since 2010. Last year my switch saved me $490 (just like in the commercials on TV). Amazing! Also, bundling Home and Auto Insurances will generally yield better rates than underwriting them separately with different companies.

My recommendation, shop insurances. Further,the idea of an Independent Insurance Agency is that they offer many carriers to seek insurances from (my current Agency has 23 different companies). Captive companies may be able to offer lower rates but remember, you still may want to shop so that you know your being treated right for rates!

Great Blog as you pointed out the many aspects for personal insurance. In my case, I was loyal to a company for thirty years and they did not give me rate breaks for a good track record. Finally asked the agent to share with me the ins and outs. Bottom line, I was not part of the group the insurance company focused on. End result I paid about 10% more than I had too. Today I shop from three to about seventeen companies and switch if my current company is no longer competitive with my profile. Changed companies four times since 2010. Last year my switch saved me $490 (just like in the commercials on TV). Amazing! Also, bundling Home and Auto Insurances will generally yield better rates than underwriting them separately with different companies. My recommendation, shop insurances. Further,the idea of an Independent Insurance Agency is that they offer many carriers to seek insurances from (my current Agency has 23 different companies). Captive companies may be able to offer lower rates but remember, you still may want to shop so that you know your being treated right for rates!
Monday, 03 March 2025

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