Imposter selling on my ebay account
- FrankN
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Replied by FrankN on topic No I didn't have to
I have had so much trouble with EBAY. I refuse to use it now. WAY TOO many scammers on there.
7 years 8 months ago
- JGibbs
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Replied by JGibbs on topic No I didn't have to
I'm glad to hear it all got sorted out. I use long, complicated passwords, and change them from time to time, but I'm still waiting for the dreadful day that an important account of mine gets compromised. I'm sorry this happened to you and appreciate your sharing. I've wondered how ebay might resolve the issue and any long term damage is done. I've sold quite a few college books on the platform and never, had a problem but it helps to be prepared.jillg123 wrote: No I didn't have to close the account completely. I have a 100% feedback and didn't want to lose my rating. But I had to wait while ebay closed the scam sales and then I had to change my password. I also had to write to the emails I'd recieved saying it was a scam and nothing to do with me. Now I advise people to have unusual passwords with letters and numbers in them which are harder for scammer to find out.
7 years 9 months ago
- FrankN
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Replied by FrankN on topic E-Bay
Lexie wrote: I would love to hear from anybody out there who has sold on Etsy. It looks like a great site but I have never used it to buy or sell. Is it as difficulty to navigate as E-Bay? Especially the selling part?
My wife uses it all of the time. We have had great experience with it. Shipping is generally pretty high, but the products are unique and originals as well.
7 years 9 months ago
- Lexie
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Replied by Lexie on topic E-Bay
I would love to hear from anybody out there who has sold on Etsy. It looks like a great site but I have never used it to buy or sell. Is it as difficulty to navigate as E-Bay? Especially the selling part?
7 years 9 months ago
- Wanderer
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Replied by Wanderer on topic E-Bay
One of my extended family members that has a antique store and was selling on Ebay switched to Etsy. Since I know little abount any of this, I can only go by what I have heard of read.
7 years 9 months ago
- Lexie
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Replied by Lexie on topic E-Bay
Another good tidbit of information Wanderer. We still check eBay for pricing and antique items but haven't sold anything on the site in quite a while. However, we are getting ready to start selling again. I guess I had better read all the reviews first. Thanks for the heads up!!
7 years 9 months ago
- Wanderer
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Replied by Wanderer on topic E-Bay
Heard there has been problems with with the site and that they restrict negative reporting on sellers. Hmm ... believe what you will. Know a business owner who pulled their items and moved to another site due to the operating policies of the current site.
- Lexie
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Replied by Lexie on topic E-Bay
We had a bad experience with Craigslist and I refuse to use it anymore. I do have Paypal linked to a checking account and have had no incidences. I also use it to purchase items on line. I think all of these online selling places have their issues and some folks have no issues at all with them.
7 years 9 months ago
- Goldbug
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Replied by Goldbug on topic E-Bay
I've advertised my old things online through Craigslist, but that usually means meeting buyers face-to-face to take cash. I've used Paypal to take payment without issue, but I am a bit paranoid and never linked it to my bank account. I just used the funds to pay for items online.
7 years 9 months ago
- Lexie
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Replied by Lexie on topic E-Bay
I haven't used ebay in years to sell or buy. We just use it to get price bases for certain things. I've never hear of an ebay account being hacked. That's terrible folks. The time you spend getting it straightened out is probably significant. Do any of you sell online? If so, who do you use if not ebay?
7 years 9 months ago
- Tishbel
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Replied by Tishbel on topic E-Bay
Paypal do chargebacks, so if you're scammed you can do a chargeback to get your money back. It's bad on the seller who was hacked, as the chargeback would probably come from their Paypal account and the hacker would already have made off with the money if they had access to it.
7 years 10 months ago
- Breakinger
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Replied by Breakinger on topic E-Bay
This is terrible, Tishbel. I've never had any issues like this. It really makes you leery about wanting to do business with them. What happens if you do get scammed by someone on there? Do you think they would refund you your money?
8 years 1 month ago
- Tishbel
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Replied by Tishbel on topic E-Bay
I haven't bought anything on ebay for years either. After they said sellers couldn't leave negative feedback for buyers, even if the buyer didn't pay or tried a fake chargeback, it felt really unbalanced, and the final straw was when I nearly bid on a scam auction because a Powerseller's account had been hacked. I guess I was on the opposite end of what happened to @jillg123!
8 years 1 month ago
- FrankN
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Replied by FrankN on topic E-Bay
I don't even bother with Ebay anymore. Everytime I try to use it, people try to scam me. I have not been able to successfully purchase anything on there in years. Same thing goes for selling a product.
8 years 3 months ago
- FrugalFran
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Replied by FrugalFran on topic E-Bay
I haven't had any issues with eBay, either, but I also hardly use it anymore. It was a wonderful thing as recently as several years ago, but it's just so saturated now and I can't find good bargains on things I want/need.
8 years 3 months ago