What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

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Replied by darryl on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

The words are casted for someone who is intentionally doing something wrong, it is not towards someone who makes good use for it or does not know anything about it. Lets not turn this situation into something it is not really focused or directed to because there are people out there who really need to know the the consequences and difference between the two. Can we please try to focus on them?
15 years 5 months ago #1
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Replied by KIEJON9 on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

WOW...! I had NO idea!!! Thanks

you welcome
15 years 5 months ago #2
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Replied by Wanderer on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

WOW...! I had NO idea!!! Thanks!:shocked:
15 years 5 months ago #3
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Replied by KIEJON9 on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

Mixed or Split Instant Credit Reports

An instant credit report contains errors on a regular basis. So, before applying for new credit or beginning your credit repair journey make sure that all of the information contained in your instant credit report is yours. But, it's not easy finding these mistakes
Common names, is one reason for errors in your instant credit report. For example, a father and son who live at the same address, or who don't add Sr. or Jr. when completing credit applications, can result in mix-ups. Also, loan officers are only human and therefore susceptible to making clerical mistakes, like incorrect spelling of names, transposing social security numbers or even entering incorrect addresses. Sometimes when reporting data to the Credit Reporting Agency (CRA), personal information is entered incorrectly, like an address. Sometimes the lender will even match the social security number with the wrong person. The mix up could even be from the CRA. They could have mixed up the names of individuals. For example, John L Smith and John M Smith are the same except for the initial in the middle. These are some common mistakes.

However, if you see information that doesn't belong to you, then call the CRA specifically to ask if your file has been mixed up with someone else's. There are three credit bureaus and they all supply information to creditors. Among them, Experian is the best to find out mix-ups. It will show additional names and addresses and possibly incorrect accounts that are not obvious. And, if the consumer gets the chance to review the instant credit report and knows something is not right, then he can write directly to Experian.

He can provide a copy of his driver's license, with the DL number marked out, and request Experian to un-mix the file. It also has the social security number on the instant credit report. So, if it is not yours, you can fix it, the same way, by writing to the CRA with request to un-mix the file.

The other credit bureau, Equifax sometimes splits its files into two, Equifax 1 and Equifax 2, if the information is too much, usually as a result of mix-ups. What is different is that on the instant credit report are two credit scores, one for each file. But in mortgage reports, it is merged. These reports are very complicated and the errors more difficult to find. It may be that all of the consumer's information just got split because two names were used.

For example, a married name verses maiden name. If that is the case, Equifax advises consumers to add both scores and divide by two for the end score to be used. But you also need to inform Equifax that the file needs to be re-merged. Other splits may be because of common names, for example, a father and son with the same name. These need to be unmixed. Also, consumers using and pulling their personal instant credit report on a daily basis from monitoring services can cause problems, compiling soft hits to the credit report. If the file gets too large, Equifax cannot handle it and will result in a split file. Some accounts will show on one instant credit report while other accounts on another instant credit report.

The third credit bureau, Transunion, like Equifax, doesn't show additional social security numbers. Only additional names, addresses, and possible accounts that don't belong appear on the report. And in the case of mix-ups, the consumer must contact TransUnion with a copy of his driver's license, to update the instant credit report.

So, depending on the vender and software used, besides the type of creditor, different things can result when trying to pull instant credit reports. Sometimes it just looks like you have no credit history, and other times it mixes other people's instant credit report(s) right in with yours. If creditors don't look for the warning signs, they will flat out decline credit because they think it was all your credit that was bad.

But it's quite easy for the creditors to mix consumer files. Even if you catch this and fix it completely, it can happen again. So, you must take precautions to just use a different spelling of your name, especially if you have a father or son with similar names living at the same address. Finally, be sure to obtain a copy of your instant credit report at least once a year or 60 days prior to applying for credit so you can catch and fix mistakes in time.
15 years 5 months ago #4
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

Thanks! I'll be right here waiting!:cool:
15 years 5 months ago #5
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Replied by mizzlady on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

Where they there before? Or have you just noticed that it was not there from a previous view? Usually when it splits, you will have two separate credit files and it will take a while for them to fix it. If it is old TL's being good or bad, sometimes they fall off even when they say it is forever. I had 2 fall from mines but it didn't matter because they were old and limits were not that high. Wait, I had a vehicle that was paid off (trade in) and it showed on my account as pif. It vanished away also. Give them a call or write to them and ask for those 3 TL's to be placed back on to your credit file. Let me know what happens.

They are new accounts 2 First Premier cards and 1 Orchard Bank all under 2 yrs old. I just notice it within a week of pulling the reports. I'll call them and let you know what they said.
15 years 5 months ago #6
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

That's called a soft pull. No credit monitoring service cause hard pulls. You are the only one who can see that. But, i would consider a cra that pulls every 30 days. Do they send you an alert in between time?
15 years 5 months ago #7
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Replied by relidtm on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

Where they there before? Or have you just noticed that it was not there from a previous view? Usually when it splits, you will have two separate credit files and it will take a while for them to fix it. If it is old TL's being good or bad, sometimes they fall off even when they say it is forever. I had 2 fall from mines but it didn't matter because they were old and limits were not that high. Wait, I had a vehicle that was paid off (trade in) and it showed on my account as pif. It vanished away also. Give them a call or write to them and ask for those 3 TL's to be placed back on to your credit file. Let me know what happens.

so my bank says they pull my credit report every 3 months with this credit monitoring service i pay 12 bucks for with boa, this isn't going to hurt it right? because it says it wont when you do the trial for the service.
15 years 5 months ago #8
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

Where they there before? Or have you just noticed that it was not there from a previous view? Usually when it splits, you will have two separate credit files and it will take a while for them to fix it. If it is old TL's being good or bad, sometimes they fall off even when they say it is forever. I had 2 fall from mines but it didn't matter because they were old and limits were not that high. Wait, I had a vehicle that was paid off (trade in) and it showed on my account as pif. It vanished away also. Give them a call or write to them and ask for those 3 TL's to be placed back on to your credit file. Let me know what happens.
15 years 5 months ago #9
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Replied by mizzlady on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

I believe my TU and EXPN file are split because there are 3 TL's that are not listed on my reports. I have been pulling my reports daily not from bumping because I just found out about this from reading through the forum. What do I do to get it reported back to the my credit file? Thanks!
15 years 5 months ago #10
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

A split can come from you pulling your credit report too much. Yes it can knock off old inq, but why take that chance? The CB has been hipped to this and they were adding knocked off inq back to people's accounts too. The main reason for them knocking off inq was because their system was designed to only hold a certain amount of files for each consumer. They have broaden their files and are taking it like champs now:laugh:
15 years 7 months ago #11
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Replied by yellowd1 on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

I was told by numerous inquiries(split file) and it can actually knock off older inquiries, or a split comes from someone else having very similar info( name, age, demographics).
15 years 7 months ago #12
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

15 years 7 months ago #13
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Replied by hjm331 on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

It seems like those are your FAKO scores, please correct me if I'm wrong. Your scores will vary and the scores that lenders use when they need to conclude a decision on your application is called a FICO score. Those are the scores that matter and are the real deal holyfield. You can't get them for free, you have to purchase them from myfico.com.
16 years 1 day ago #14
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Replied by Meya on topic Re: What Can Cause Your Credit File to "Split or Mix !"

That is a good thing. Usually they jump when you make payments or bring your balances down. Also age (history) of the accounts can make them jump too. Don't be surprised if they take a slump 30 pts, they can do that when you do the reverse. Scores jump up and down on a daily basis, but what yours just did is a blessing.
16 years 1 day ago #15