Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

Health Savings Accounts

As the cost of health care continues to rise, consumers flocked to tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts in record numbers last year. J.P. Morgan Treasury Services said the average Chase HSA balance of $1,547 in 2011 is 4% higher than it was in 2010, and that the average balance of nearly $1000 for new Chase HSA accounts rose to its highest level in 7 years. The bank said that the average taxpayer in the 28% tax bracket...
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  4100 Hits
4100 Hits

Banks Offer Protection From Overdrafts, Not From Fees

When your bank receives a transaction that exceeds your checking account balance, the bank will do one of two things. They can either process the transaction or they can return the transaction to the merchant. Many people would like the bank to go ahead and process the transaction and banks will give you this courtesy, if you’ve opted-in to having overdraft transactions processed. However, you’ll pay a fee if the bank pays a transaction when you...
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  4822 Hits
4822 Hits

Making Donations Via Credit Card

As presidential campaigns get more aggressive, don’t be surprised if you’re asked to make a credit card donation to help fund your party’s candidate. Technology has made it easy for campaign workers to take donations on the spot by swiping your credit card through a small device attached to a smart phone. Campaign season isn’t the only time you might be asked to make a donation via credit card. The holiday season is notorious for bell...
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  3629 Hits
3629 Hits

Beware Credit Card Telemarketing Scams

The Federal Trade Commission recently shut down a telemarketing scam following consumer complaints of being sold a bogus credit card. In the scam, telemarketers called consumers who’d recently applied for an online payday loan. These consumers were offered a credit card with a $9,500 credit limit if they agreed to pay an advance fee of $99 and a monthly fee of $19. Consumers were told the cards – the Platinum Trust Card and the Express Platinum...
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  3979 Hits
3979 Hits

Prepare for Unemployment While You're Still Employed

Few people have guaranteed job security. Even in a stable job market your job is at risk. That’s why it’s important to take steps to prepare for unemployment now, especially while you still have a job. Hopefully, you’ll have never have to deal with an unexpected job loss, but if it happens, you’ll be happy you prepared for it. Build an Emergency Fund Traditionally, the ideal emergency fund would cover three to six months of living...
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  3355 Hits
3355 Hits

Tips to Catch Credit Card Fraud

Identity theft and credit card fraud can be difficult to detect and sometimes costly and time-consuming to correct. While many there are laws and business policies to protect you from fraud liability, you’ll still have to spend time dealing with the effects of fraud. Early detection is key to ensuring you minimize credit card fraud damage. Your billing statement contains credit card transactions that you didn’t make. Perhaps the easiest way to spot credit card fraud...
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  4721 Hits
4721 Hits

Even With Credit Card Pre-Approval, You Can Still Be Denied

Responding to a pre-approved credit card offer doesn’t mean you’ll necessarily actually get the credit card once you apply. Before you get your hopes up about a great credit card offer, know that you’ll still have to go through the regular qualification process and you could be denied the credit card or approved for one with less attractive terms. The wording is tricky and you’d have to read the fine print on the credit card offer...
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  6536 Hits
6536 Hits

What's the Credit Bureau Role

Credit bureaus, also called credit reporting agencies, are big businesses in the credit industry. They play a major role in your financial life, so it’s important that you know who they are and what they do. Credit bureaus collect credit data about consumers and, upon request, compile the information in a document called a credit report. Many companies you do business with send your account details to the credit bureaus periodically. The credit bureau in turn...
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  5752 Hits
5752 Hits

Pending Homes Sale Slip 3.5% in December

Pending home sales slipped 3.5% in December after reaching a 19-month high, but were 5.6% above levels from the same month in 2010, the National Association of Realtors reported on Wednesday. Pending home sales are contracts that have not yet gone to closing, and are a good indicator of sales to be completed within the next one to two months. The Pending Home Sales Index fell from 100.1 in November to 96.6 in December. An index...
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  5372 Hits
5372 Hits

When To Call It Quits With A Credit Card

A hit 70’s song said breaking up is hard to do. When you have a credit card that no longer benefits you, leaving may not be as tough as you think. Sometimes better credit cards come along and the cards that used to treat you well may not do the same thing any longer. Here are some examples of times you can break up with your credit card issuer. Your credit limit’s been cut. Imagine this...
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  3877 Hits
3877 Hits

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