Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

5 Credit Card Transactions That Are Just Like a Cash Advance

Cash advances are one of the most expensive types of credit card transactions. These transactions come with a higher interest rate and a cash advance fee. With most credit cards, you don't get a grace period to pay off the advance and avoid paying a fee. Most people think of a cash advance as using a credit card to get cash from an ATM. Your credit card issuer may treat other types of cash transactions as cash advances....
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The break out of what is a cash advance is useful. Seems it gets lost in the actual terms and conditions lenders include in the or... Read More
Saturday, 13 July 2019 03:18
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Saving Money by Reducing Food Waste

Wasting food is money wasted. Follow these simple, environmentally-friendly tips to help reduce food waste and save money Shop smart.While buying in bulk is convenient, it is more likely to lead to food waste. Frequent trips to the grocery store every few days, rather than one bulk shopping trip, can help to avoid buying more food than you need. Make a shopping list and stick to it. This will help you to buy only what you need. Store...
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  3403 Hits
3403 Hits

Simple Ways my Family Saves Money Each Month

Now that I am officially a family man, I have found that I have started to really look for ways for my family to save more money each month. I am sure other families feel this pinch and are constantly looking for ways to save money as well. While it is rare eliminating a single expense will give you control over your finances, you can usually save a lot of money by combining savings from several...
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  1917 Hits
1917 Hits

What is Equity Research?

As I wrote on what a bond rating is last month, I wanted to also write an overview of what equity research is as well. You may be familiar with what equity research is, some may not. Below is a high-level overview of what equity research is, and feel free to ask any follow up questions in the comments section below. Equity research is primarily focused on publicly traded stocks. The purpose of equity research is...
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2383 Hits

6 Things to Know Before You Buy a Car With Bad Credit

There are plenty of companies that have no reservations about taking advantages of vulnerable consumers - like people buying a car with bad credit. If you're trying to buy a car and you don't have the best credit score, realize that your credit makes you a risky borrower, even if you can afford to purchase the vehicle. Here's what you should know as you're shopping around. You'll have a higher interest rate. The cost of borrowing money is directly...
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This is a reality check. What is real in auto loan refi's.
Saturday, 13 July 2019 03:20
Monday, 26 August 2019 13:30
2778 Hits

Questions to Answer When Seeking a Small Business Loan

It doesn’t matter if you’re starting or growing a business, there’s likely to come a point when you need a cash infusion. Some companies have enough money in the bank to handle all their financial needs. Others turn to credit cards and investors to get what they need. And of course, many owners understand the benefits of a small business loan. Taking out a small business loan is a big decision that will impact your company...
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1874 Hits

Storing Your Credit Card for One-Click Payments

When you make frequent online purchases from the same retailers, you might consider saving your credit card information for one-click payments. This lets you check out quickly and easily without having to enter your payment and billing information each time. Storing your credit card details is certainly convenient, but is it safe? Just having a credit card puts you at risk of credit card fraud. The more places you've stored your credit card information, the greater...
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Finance Globe
Thank you for the reminders on important things to consider when storing card info. One thing that I feel as secure as possible is... Read More
Tuesday, 09 July 2019 21:28
In today's hacked world, I am not one to store any credit card info. Never know who will get hacked next. Only enter the card info... Read More
Saturday, 13 July 2019 03:22
I completely agree Wanderer. There is 100% guarantee your credit card information will get hacked. Good news is you are protected,... Read More
Monday, 26 August 2019 13:26
3112 Hits

Five Benefits of Becoming Debt-Free

Paying off a large amount of debt takes a lot of sacrifice. You have to cut back your spending and sometimes get creative about making more money. Even though it can be stressful and frustrating, the benefits of paying off your debt are worth it. You’ll save money in the long run. The longer you carry debt, the more you’ll pay in interest. Paying off your debt faster lets you save thousands of dollars in interest,...
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I can't tell you how good of a feeling it is to be debt free. Beyond the financial flexibility, you will feel as though a huge wei... Read More
Monday, 26 August 2019 13:25
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Important Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector

Congratulations, you’re under contract to purchase a new home. While you’re not at the finish line yet, you can see it in the distance. If you have a home inspection contingency in your contract, which is something you should strongly consider, you have the right to hire a home inspector to go over the property with a fine tooth comb. Furthermore, if they find something you don’t like, you have the option to back out of...
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Real good advice! Used a Home Inspector on my most recent residential purchase. Cost was $400 and the findings were useful. The se... Read More
Thursday, 04 July 2019 04:43
1824 Hits
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5 Things to Know About Building Credit for the First Time

Building credit for the first time can be both exciting and stressful. On the plus side, you’re ready to take this big step in your financial life. Conversely, you have some concerns about the moves you’re making and the short and long-term impact. Here are five things to know about building credit for the first time: 1. It’s Every Bit as Important as it Sounds Don’t talk yourself into thinking this isn’t important. Even if you...
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2416 Hits

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