By latoyairby on Wednesday, 22 August 2012
Category: Your Money

New Scam: Watch Out for Smishing Text Messages

Identity thieves will use any means available to trick you into your giving up your personal information. You may be familiar with phishing scams where scammers email you seemingly legitimate messages from your bank or other business. The email includes frightening language, e.g. your account has been compromised, that bait you into going to a fake website where the scammers capture your password, bank account information, and other personal information. Then, they use whatever information they’ve obtained to commit credit card fraud or identity theft.

Smishing is very similar, except the phishing messages are sent via text to your cellphone. The term 'smishing' is a combination of the terms SMS (Short Message Service) and phishing.

One known smishing message tries to scam you by saying you’ve won a gift card to Walmart or Target. The message includes a link that you’re supposed to click to claim your gift card. Claiming the gift requires you to pay for shipping and handling via credit card. Once you enter your credit card number, the scammers can use your card information to rack up charges. Or, after clicking a link, scammers can install malicious apps on your phone. These apps may capture your keystrokes and send passwords and other sensitive information to the scammers.

Here are some ways to avoid becoming a victim of smishing:

If you believe you have been a victim of smishing, file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commision by visiting or by calling them (1-877-382-4357. You should also notify your bank and credit card issuers if your debit or credit card numbers have been compromised.

Source: NBC News,
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