Finance Globe

U.S. financial and economic topics from several finance writers.

How to Prepare for and Shop for an Auto Loan

Picking out the car is the fun part of the car buying process. The loan, on the other hand, isn’t so much fun. You’ll be stuck with the loan for four or five years, so make sure you shop carefully. Just like you don’t want to end up driving a lemon for the next several years, you also don’t want to be saddled with a bad loan at the same time. Check your credit first. Before...
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  3671 Hits
3671 Hits

A Thin Credit File Lowers Your Approval Odds

When it comes to credit, thin is not in. In fact, you want a fat credit file full of lots of positive information. What is a “thin” credit file and how do you know whether you have one? More importantly, how can you get a more desirable credit report? The word “thin” is used to describe a credit report that’s either short or that doesn’t have very many accounts or both. If you’ve just recently started...
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  3557 Hits
3557 Hits

Write a Letter to Get Collectors Off Your Back

Debt collectors are known for using intimidation tactics to bully people into paying outstanding debts. Don’t get me wrong – there’s nothing wrong with a creditor or collector pursuing you for a debt that you’ve agreed to pay. However, it’s often the way collectors go about collecting debts that keeps them in trouble with the authorities. No matter how much weight they throw around, you’re not totally powerless against debt collectors. You don’t have to live...
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  3213 Hits
3213 Hits

Options for Paying Back Your Student Loans

The amount of outstanding student loan debt has surpassed that of credit card debt for the first time in history. Studies predict the amount of student debt could pass $1 trillion this year. Student loan borrowers all over the country are crushed by student loan debt. What makes student loans more burdensome than other types of debt is that it’s nearly impossible to have the debt discharged in bankruptcy. The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection...
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  3537 Hits
3537 Hits

Your Money Mistakes Will Catch Up to You

“You can run, but you can’t hide” is never truer than when it comes to money, more specifically to owing money. You can get away with not paying your bills for a little bit, but eventually your creditors, lenders, the IRS, and every other person you owe will all catch up to you. The longer it takes, the worse the consequences can be. Credit card delinquency Credit card debt seems harmless. The creditor doesn’t have the...
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  3102 Hits
3102 Hits

How Utility Bills Can Affect Your Credit

Out of all the bills you pay every month, only a few of them are routinely reported to the credit bureaus. For example, credit cards and loan payments are almost always updated on your credit report each month. On the other hand, payments on your utility bills, cell phone, or insurance generally won’t be listed on your credit report. Pay on time or pay a few days late, the credit bureaus won’t know (you’ll probably incur...
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  3543 Hits
3543 Hits

Tips for Spending the First Paycheck From a New Job

Whether it’s your first job or just a new job, the first paycheck is critical. There’s often a lag between the day you start and the day you get your first check, so you may be anxious by the time the check comes. But, make sure you have a sound plan for how you’re going to spend that check and every check that comes after it. Don’t start spending before you actually get the first paycheck....
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  4876 Hits
4876 Hits

Many American Families Still Rely on Credit Cards

The average amount of credit card debt has declined over the past several months, but many families are still struggling to pay basic necessities. Based on a recent survey, 40% of low- and middle-income families have used credit cards to pay for basic living expenses this past year because they didn’t have enough money on hand to pay for those expenses. Basic living expenses include things like mortgage payment, utilities, groceries, and insurance. The statistic come...
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  3996 Hits
3996 Hits

Why You Should Always Read Your Credit Card Statement

The two most important pieces of information on the credit card statement are the minimum payment amount and the payment due date. We have to know this so we can make payment and avoid the consequences of a late payment. But, your credit card billing statement has a lot of other details that are equally important. To confirm your transactions Your credit card statement will include a list of all the transactions made to your account...
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  4289 Hits
4289 Hits

Walking Away From a Mortgage

The mortgage crisis has left many homeowners in the difficult position of having a mortgage that’s worth more than the home it’s secured by. Being upside-down in a mortgage is an undesirable situation so much that many homeowners have decided to walk away rather than continuing to pay and receive no equity in return. Strategic default is the term used to describe a situation where homeowners voluntarily walk away from their mortgage, especially one they can...
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  3398 Hits
3398 Hits