By Mary Tomkins on Thursday, 05 June 2008
Category: Saving and Investing

Emergency Savings Fund; How Big Should It Be?

The size of your emergency fund depends on your personal situation.
Just as there's a lot of conflicting advice on many money issues, there are different recommendations on how much to save in your emergency fund depending on who you get the advice from. Though the commonly accepted advice states you should save three to six months' worth of living expenses, some financial advisors feel that to be totally safe you should save a year's worth of expenses, and some say you can get by with as little as $1000 in an emergency fund.

The amount you'll need to save depends on your unique situation, and what you're comfortable taking a chance on. An adequate savings can help you through an emergency without dramatically altering your current lifestyle, and prevent you from having to run up debt. And after a careful look at your financial situation, only you can decide how much you really need to be safe.

Factors to consider when determining how much you need in an emergency fund:
And a final note - It is possible to have too much in your emergency fund.
Save enough to feel secure, but know when to call it quits on adding to your emergency fund. Emergency fund cash should be easily accessible in a highly liquid account, so you can get to it quickly when you need it. The price you pay for this liquidity is in the form of lost earnings; don't save too much in a low-interest account. Once you have adequate savings so that you are protected against unforeseen expenses, begin looking into bigger and better investment vehicles for any of your additional savings.

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