By ChrisB on Wednesday, 07 May 2014
Category: Your Home

Can’t Afford a Mortgage Payment? Take these Steps

When you take out a mortgage to purchase a home, you are expected to make the payment in full every month. For some, this is never a problem. Others, however, run into challenges from time to time.

If you find that you are unable to make a mortgage payment, you have two options:

When you are open and honest with your lender, you may be surprised at how helpful they are.

Once you contact your lender, there are several options to discuss:

Are you underwater on your loan? If you owe more than your home is worth, you may want to consider a short sale. On the other hand, if your home is worth more than you owe, selling and moving into something more affordable could be your best option.

There is nothing worse than the thought of losing your home to foreclosure. As scary as this sounds, don’t automatically assume this is going to happen if you are unable to make a mortgage payment. Instead, contact your lender to discuss your many options.

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