Super Finance Glossary


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Extension Swap
Definition: Extending maturity through a swap, e.g. selling a 2-year note and buying one with a slightly longer current maturity.
External Efficiency
Definition: Related: Pricing efficiency
External Finance
Definition: Funding that is not generated by a firm's operations: new borrowing or a stock issue.
External Funds
Definition: Funds originating from a source outside the corporation to increase cash flow and to aid in expansion efforts, e.g., bank loan or bond offering.
External Market
Definition: Also referred to as the international market, the offshore market, or, more popularly, the Euromarket. A mechanism for trading securities that at issuance (1) are offered simultaneously to investors in a number of countries and (2) are issued outside the jurisdiction of any single country. Related: Internal market.
Definition: Retire or pay off debt.
Extra Dividend
Definition: A temporary increase in a firm's dividends beyond the normal level.
Extra Or Special Dividends
Definition: A one-time or special dividend that is paid in addition to a firm's established or expected quarterly dividend.
Extraordinary Call
Definition: Early redemption of a revenue bond because the revenue source paying the interest on the bond has been eliminated or has disappeared.
Extraordinary Item
Definition: An unusual and unexpected one-time event that must be explained to shareholders in an annual or quarterly report, e.g., write down for a discontinued operation, employee fraud, a lawsuit, or other one-time events. Results are often presented with and without these items. The logic of excluding these items is that investors have a better notion of future performance if one-time events are excluded. Differs from an unusual item in that extraordinary items are (1) material; (2) non-recurring; and (3) outside the ordinary nature of the business.
Extraordinary Positive Value
Definition: A positive net present value.
Extrapolative Statistical Models
Definition: Models that apply a formula to historical data and project results for a future period. Such models include the simple linear trend model, the simple exponential model, and the simple autoregressive model.
Extrinsic Value
Definition: Also known as time value. Extrinsic value is the price of an option minus its intrinsic value. As out of the money options have no intrinsic value, their option premium is based entirely on extrinsic value.