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Ex-pit Transaction
Definition: The closing out of a futures position off the exchange floor. Effected when two hedgers, one long and one short, make a private deal in the cash market, and no longer need their (equal and opposite) futures contracts to hedge. The hedgers contact the exchange and request the contracts be nullified without making a trade on the floor. This must be done (1) to ensure neither contract results in delivery/the requirement to deliver; (2) to properly reflect open interest; and (3) to eliminate the uncertainty of the fill price should a trade actually be done to offset the positions. Extremely rare. Also known as an EFP transaction, an exchange-for-physicals transaction or an against-actuals transaction.
Definition: Shares of stock that are trading without rights attached.
Ex-rights Date
Definition: The date on which a share of common stock with rights on it begins trading ex-rights.
Definition: Describes a stock sale during the time in which the buyer of the stock is not entitled to the warrant accompanying the stock.
Exact Interest
Definition: Interest paid based on the basis of a 365-day/year schedule by a bank or other financial_institution as opposed to a 360-day basis (ordinary interest). Difference can be material when large principal sums of money are involved.
Exact Matching
Definition: A bond portfolio management strategy that involves finding the lowest cost portfolio generating cash inflows exactly equal to cash outflows that are being financed by investment.
Except For Opinion
Definition: An auditor's opinion reflecting the fact that the auditor is unable to audit certain areas of the company's operations because of restrictions imposed by management or other conditions beyond the auditor's control.
Definition: A proxy which does not authorize the proxy committee to act on its behalf concerning any other business, adjournments or substitutions.
Exceptional Return
Definition: Residual return plus benchmark timing return. For a given asset with beta equal to one, if its residual return is 2%, and the benchmark portfolio exceeds its consensus expected returns by 1%, then the asset's exceptional return is 3%.
Excess Accumulation
Definition: The amount of a required minimum distribution that an IRA holder fails to remove from an IRA in a timely manner. Excess accumulations are subject to a 50% IRS penalty tax.
Excess Contribution
Definition: The amount by which an IRA contribution exceeds the allowable limits. If an excess contribution is not properly corrected, a 6% IRS penalty applies.
Excess Kurtosis
Definition: Kurtosis measures the "fatness" of the tails of a distribution. Positive excess kurtosis means that distribution has fatter tails than a normal distribution. Fat tails means there is a higher than normal probability of big positive and negative returns realizations. When calculating kurtosis, a result of +3.00 indicates the absence of kurtosis (distribution is mesokurtic). For simplicity in its interpretation, some statisticians adjust this result to zero (i.e. kurtosis minus 3 equals zero), and then any reading other than zero is referred to as excess kurtosis. Negative numbers indicate a platykurtic distribution; positive numbers indicate a leptokurtic distribution.
Excess Margin
Definition: Equity present in an individual's account above the legal minimum required for a margin account or the maintenance requirement at a brokerage firm.
Excess Profits Tax
Definition: Additional federal taxes placed on the earnings of a business, used only in time of national emergency such as war.
Excess Reserves
Definition: Amount of reserves held by an institution in excess of its reserve requirement and required clearing balance. Also see reserves.
Excess Return On The Market Portfolio
Definition: Difference between the return on the market portfolio and the riskless rate.
Excess Returns
Definition: Difference between an asset's return and the riskless rate. Sometimes confused with abnormal returns, returns in excess of those required by some asset pricing model.
Definition: A marketplace in which shares, options and futures on stocks, bonds, commodities, and indexes are traded. Principal U.S. stock exchanges are: New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and National Association of Securities Dealers Automatic Quotation System (Nasdaq).
Exchange Controls
Definition: Government restrictions on the purchase of foreign currencies by domestic citizens or on the purchase of the local domestic currency by foreigners.
Exchange Distribution
Definition: A sale on an exchange floor of a large block of stock in a single transaction. A broker bunches a large number of buy orders and sells the block all at once. The broker receives a special commission from the seller.